Canadian Man Defeated Cancer Using Cannabis Oil

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( — January 1, 2015)  — In 2002, doctors had written the Canadian man, Rick Simpson, off, as they diagnosed him with skin cancer, saying it would eventually kill him in the next few years. According his own testimony, Rick was several times unsuccessfully operated on for three pigmented skin lesions of the face.

“Whenever you remove them [lesions], they would be back again infected!.

Ricks passion for botanic saved his life. According to Rick, he was in the bathroom one morning, looking at the wound on his face when he remembers a University of Virginia study, about THC, which said that THC, the active ingredient of cannabis, cures cancer. He had nothing to loose. He applied a few drops of cannabis oil he had stored long ago, directly on the wound – remembers Rick.

According to his own testimony, he did not feel that anything epochal happened. “After four days I took off the bandages and I could not believe what I saw!” Rick said. “The wound has gone, and my skin was pink like a baby!”

He immediately started telling people that he cured skin cancer with oil from cannabis, however, everyone laughed, he remembers. Eleven and a half years later, the cancer has not returned, explains Rick smiling. Ever since, he has produced cannabis oil and given it away to people in need.

To produce cannabis oil, Rick needed larger quantities of cannabis so he began to grow marijuana. Police had raided the possession of four times in three years and was in prison for four days, charged with cultivation, possession and sale of marijuana. Though he was threatened with 12 years in prison, he managed to get out with a fine of just $2,000.

Rick has bitter memories of the jail time because, according to his testimonial, he cured with cannabis oil some of the jurors loved ones, and they still pronounced him guilty. Even the judge knew it was all “a farce!”

“At one point he [judge] told me that he would rather condemn me, should I win!” Rick says, complaining that the judge didn’t allow some of the people he helped to testify on his behalf. “They did not allow doctors to go to the bench, nor me to present a bunch of medical documentation about the effects of my oil,” he said blaming the Canadian court.

Rick says he had never sold an ounce of weed, and that he is “disappointed with the government and corrupt doctors who work for pharmacology giants.”  

Pointing out that it is easier and faster to make this oil than make coffee; Rick warns that there are many fake oils that various thieves sold under his name.

“Few people know that cannabis has been used for hundreds of years before Jesus Christ as one of the most healing agents,” Rick said referring to the ancient Persian religious writings in which, amongst the curative listed plants, in the first place was, cannabis.