Woman Faked Robbery and Accused Black Lives Matter

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(Newswire.net — November 2, 2016) — The wife of a Millbury, Massachusetts police officer was caught attempting to frame the Black Lives Matter activist movement for a fake robbery, CBS News reports.

Maria Daly thought it would be enough to just spray BLM over their hose and let the police deduce the rest. She has now been charged with faking a robbery.

Maria Daly reported a burglary at her home in Millbury on October 17. She reported that her jewelry and some money had been stolen. She also told police that she believed supporters of the Black Lives Matter movement were to blame as there was a “BLM” signature spray-painted over her home.

“Something wasn’t quite right,” Millbury Police Chief Donald Desorcy said. He added that he believes it was “pretty obvious” what really happened and the investigations confirmed that Daly provided a false claim.

“The officers did their due diligence and followed through with the investigation that we had,” Chief Desorcy said.

Soon after the alleged robbery, Daly posted on social network that their home was burgled during the night while she and her husband, a police officer, were asleep.

“We woke up to not only our house being robbed while we were sleeping, but to see this hatred for no reason,” Daly wrote, CBS Boston reports. She also blamed Black Lives Matter on her Facebook account.

“If you would of [sic] asked me yesterday about this blue lives and black lives matter issue my response would of [sic] been very possitive [sic],” the Facebook post reads. “Today on the other hand I have so much anger and hate that I don’t like myself. This is what we have to deal with these days and it makes me sick that this is what was on the side of my house.”

The investigators concluded, however, that there has been no robbery. According to Desorcy, it was all fabricated. The motive for the false claim was to collect the insurance.

Daly confessed and returned the $10,000 worth of jewelry she reported missing

“We weren’t going to sweep this under the rug,” Desorcy told reporters, adding that he felt sorry for the family.

Daly’s husband Dan is not suspected of being involved in his wife’s crime.