Trump’s Manufacturing Initiative to Help US Based Businesses

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( — January 31, 2017) — As the country moves forward with a brand new president and one that might not have the same ideals as the few most recent, businesses from all over the world are feeling the impact.  President Trump is looking to some of the best business leaders to advise him on the topic of manufacturing growth.  Jobs that were lost over the last 8-10 years have been a hot topic and are going to be a focus for the Trump Administration according to news outlets.  Companies that manufacture products in the United States are likely to be the main focus with bringing US companies based overseas back here a goal as well.

US Manufactures Will Win

Even though many of the businesses that used to make products in the United States have moved out of the country for cheaper labour, the idea is that President Trump would like to bring them back and give the United States those jobs back.  The reason companies look for cheap labour is going to be a major talking point in all of this.  Companies that manufacture in the United States are going to be the stars during this initiative, companies like Superior Washer, who make all of their products in the United States.  Larger companies though will have to reorganize as they try and figure out if moving back to the United States makes sense for them.

Obama Had a Jobs Council

President Trump is not doing anything new as the president.  Former President Obama also had a jobs council to work with and the same goals that Trump has.  The problem was that the council, under Obama, only lasted two years and after that the country saw a lot of jobs disappear.  It may have had something to do with the Affordable Health Care Act, but that is just common theory.  The fact that the jobs council did not meet regularly under Obama is still something to be concerned about under Trump.  In the meantime, United States based companies are going to be a main topic.

All the Big Names in Business

President Trump did not waste any time when it came to asking for advice on business in the United States and overseas.  The manufacturing council includes Dell’s Michael Dell, General Electric’s Jeff Immelt, Tesla’s Elon Musk, US Steel’s Mario Longhi, Ford CEO Mark Fields and Boeing’s Dennis Muilenburg.  All of these names are big names in the business and not all of them have stayed within the US border to manufacture products.  For some of these businesses, making products in the US has been a thing of pride and they are hoping to keep that dream alive for millions of hard workers around the country.

Only time will tell if the Trump Administration is going to really provide a concrete set of goals to bring jobs back into the United States.  Just like with the Obama presidency, things could go by the wayside as other more important topics require the president’s time.