How to Create an App for a Mobile Device

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( — February 26, 2020) —

Do you have a unique idea that you want to create an app for? Or are you just interested in getting into this type of work? It’s an up and coming profession. As we move into a more digital world, mobile app development will be a huge job market. 

The average mobile app developer earns $107,000 a year. If you’re not interested in working for a company but creating something on your own, you can still make a livable wage. 

We’re going to show you the steps on how to create an application, and then you’ll be able to start brainstorming today! 

Think of a Unique Idea

For an application to really stand out, it needs to be original. Think about what people want at the touch of their phone. Are you aiming to create entertainment, provide information, or social media? What are similar apps missing that you can give to the public? What audience are you targeting?

Once you have a solid idea, run it by different people for their input and criticism. Take their suggestions and improve as needed. Most people will be happy to help and give their honest feedback. 

Choose a Platform 

Now you have your brilliant idea for an app. The next step is to choose the right platform to start developing your vision into the real thing! There are many free forms of software out there that make quality applications. 

Specific mobile app engines are designed to create certain types of apps. Do some research on what platforms are the best for your image. Take a look at which one meets your needs and try it now for free

Have Beta-Testers Give Feedback 

A beta tester is someone who tries out your app before it’s released to the public. After they spend some time on the application, the examiner will give you feedback. They’ll let you know of any bugs, confusion, or areas that don’t work correctly. 

The beta tester can find problems you might not have noticed. It’s always a good idea to have multiple people look at your app because there are things one person will pick up, and another won’t. 

Fix the problems they find and then run through this process as many times as you need before releasing your app. Doing this can save you a lot of trouble once you publish your application. Also, you’ll know that you’re putting out your best work to the public. 

Launch Your App 

This is probably the most exciting step in the whole process. All of your hard work is about to be shown to the world. Choose if you want to release on iOS or Android, or both! 

These two App Stores are a little bit different when looking at requirements. Android tends to be a bit less strict than iOS

Once it’s approved, your application will go live, and the public can start using it! 

Make Money

Simply having an app in the App Store isn’t going to make you money. Advertisements are the easiest and most efficient way to make money on an app. You can have other companies pay for the video, banner, or display advertisements. 

You can also have companies sponsor your application. They pay into your business as a way to support your idea and also get advertisements. 

Depending on what type of app you have, you can create a subscription to your app or company, with a small charge. Then the members will get special offers or be a part of a loyalty program.  

If your application is starting to take off, another way to make money is having an in-app purchasing center. There, consumers can buy things such as merchandise, extra features, or bonus points. 

Our advice is to start small and continue to grow and add more ways to make more money later on. 

The Bottom Line 

Everyone likes to say, “There’s an app for everything!” However, maybe you have an idea for an application that isn’t here yet! Getting into this type of business can be fun and rewarding. You get to be creative and use technology to create what’s inside your brain into a real app. 

These are the necessary steps you need to start working on your vision. Work hard, and don’t rush your work. Who knows, maybe you will be the next Mark Zuckerberg!