How to Start Your Business on Amazon

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( — June 16, 2020) —

Whether your new business is a part time side income or whether you are starting a whole new business online, this article will lay out the steps to create your own business online on Amazon. Now is the best time to start your own business online, especially on a platform that is well known and marketable. Here are the 6 tips to start your own Amazon business.

First Step:Create an Amazon Seller Account

The first step is to create an Amazon seller account. The decision of making an individual or professional account is up to you. An individual account is free, but you can’t do much with that kind of an account. A professional account is $39.99 a month, and you won’t get charged for the first month of your professional account. It all depends on your needs, what kind of business you want to start up, how much time you want to invest in it and if it’s a side job or a full time business. The account option is entirely up to you, but most that are very serious about creating a business use the professional account.

Second Step:Pick Your Niche

The second step is to decide what works for you in regards to what areas you want to sell your products in. It all depends on what you’re most passionate about, what your hobbies are, and what your personal interests are. Once you have that figured out, then you can start blogging, advertising, and listing products for your business. Of course, it is important to know about the product you are selling and something that you are really passionate about.

Third Step:Research

It is important to first research the product that you want to sell by seeing your competitors and also by the pricing that it is selling for online. It is also good to use keyword tools to see if there is a good market for the particular product that you want to sell. Another good thing to do is to check out on Amazon the best seller rankings. Although this does not matter too much, it gives you a greater insight as to how customers view the product and what is selling right now. Remember while researching products and your competitors to not compare yourself to them. They are already established and you’re just getting started, so don’t compare too much to them.

Fourth Step: Product Sourcing

Putting together your product sourcing is another important step to do. Testing your products is vital if you haven’t done so yet, as you want to make sure it is the best quality. The next step after testing your product is finding a supplier. You can do this by searching for suppliers overseas, which of course costs a lot less than using local suppliers, or using local suppliers so the product can get to the customer faster. Either way, it is also important to research shipping costs and make sure to come up with a number that is reasonable and that makes sense. You can even ship your own products to yourself and see if that works for you.

Fifth Step: Establishing The Brand

One of the toughest parts about making your own business is coming up with a name for your business. Some people already know what the business name will be while others struggle in that department. Just like picking just the right instagram font, sometimes it can be difficult to choose the right name or symbol for the brand. My best advice for this would be to think about what the business means to you and what it will look like in 5 years, then coming up with a name that is easy to remember for customers and that makes sense to you. Come up with at least 5 different names and decide on which one speaks to you the most. Once you have that established, you can come up with the brand logo, themes, tag lines, and get all of that copyrighted.

Sixth Step: Create Your Listings

Now you can create your product listings by using professional pictures, product descriptions, and more. Once you got your listings out there, you can start marketing your business! Don’t forget about the little details such as colors, sizes, and warranty information on your product