5 Study Strategies Students Can Practice This Summer

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(Newswire.net — June 16, 2020) —

Although school is out, students are likely still thinking about future classes and standardized tests. When the fall arrives, they want to be well prepared for their exams. Let’s take a close look at five study strategies that students can practice this summer and can well grow into soft skills to include in their CV later on.

1. Flashcards

Flashcards are one of the oldest methods of studying in the book. Write a vocabulary word or topic on the front of the card, and write the definition on the back of the card. Quiz yourself by only looking at the front, and flip over to the back to reveal the answer. While this might seem extremely simple, it is extremely effective. In this day and age, online flashcards are even better. You don’t have to write everything by hand, and you can manage large batches of flashcards at once with ease.

2. Eliminate Distractions

When you eliminate distractions, you can focus on the task at hand. The summer is an excellent time for students to practice this habit. It’s as easy as sitting in your room, turning off the television, and putting your phone on silent. Then go ahead and complete a worksheet or quiz. The task doesn’t even have to be related to academics; it can be a chore such as cleaning your room or solving a crossword puzzle. The bottom line is, you’re practicing your ability to focus and not get distracted by random things that come your way. When you finally take the test, you won’t be distracted by the sounds of pencils tapping and the clock ticking in the background.

3. Practice Tests

Practice tests are also incredible study strategies. Your teacher will likely tell you what is on the upcoming test. If you know this beforehand, you can take practice tests that cover this material and nothing else. There are so many resources online that you’ll likely never run out of content. If you’re taking a Spanish class, look for a practice test with basic vocabulary words. If you’re studying geometry, search for geometry practice tests online. Feel free to mix in your own questions based on examples in class or the textbook. It’s all about increasing your exposure to practice questions and being ready for anything that the teacher might ask.

4. Group Study

The summer is a fantastic time to get together with friends and hang out. Another good type of gathering is getting together with your study group and preparing for classes. Group study has proven to improve your engagement with the class and learn in a more efficient manner. In addition, it’s simply a lot of fun when done with close friends. Plan a day this summer where everyone comes over and quizzes each other on SAT or ACT questions. Between sessions, don’t forget to include fun things like games and food!

5. Milestones

Milestones give you a sense of satisfaction. It can be tiring to study all night and day without a specific goal in mind. Once you take the test, it’s nearly time to start studying for the next one already. Milestones are a good measure or progress and very enjoyable to practice. As you study vocabulary words, take note of when you hit 50 words, 100 words, and so forth. These are milestones that you should feel proud of achieving. As a wise man once said, it’s not only about the destination, it’s about the journey. As you make progress in your studying, don’t be afraid to celebrate a little bit.


In conclusion, these are some very effective study strategies that students can practice this summer. Once you have these methods down, you’ll be well prepared to ace your next test or exam. Feel free to use many of these techniques in tandem for even better studying.