Walk Don’t Run to This Finish Line

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(Newswire.net — October 27, 2014) Darien, CT — We all face the same finish line in life. How we get there is is up to us. Let me clue you in to the added benefits of regular walking for senior citizens.

 Way back most of us crawled before we walked. Then we figured a way to run. Running is a wonderful exercise but may not be age appropriate for some seniors with limited mobility. Limited mobility requires a good fight over acceptance and walking regularly might be the best way to ward off the problems that come with decreased mobility.

 Personally I abhor canes and walkers. This is not because I am an insensitive creep. Just the opposite. When I see a patient start using something to help them walk I know that we are looking at a slowly worsening condition. Walking may very well be the best way to stay mobile. When you suggest a walking program there is very little resistence because they are familiar with it. There is no learning curve in this case. They may require motivation but that can be remedied easy enough.

 Blood flow to the vital organs is stimulated by bi-pedal movement. Simply put your insides will smile with regular long walks. My senior patients that regularly walk report far less gastro-intestinal issues . The seniors that sit all day long are just the opposite I should note that I am a chiropractor. We chiropractors do not treat gastro-intestinal conditions. Actually we do not treat any organic conditions. We stick to musculo- skeletal issues. We do have to ask about what else is wrong with our patients in case they need to see a different doctor. Which is how I arrived at my conclusion that regular walking is super important to our seniors.

 Let me explain some neurology so you can better understand why walking really does work so well. The bain receives sensory input from all over your body. The nerves in the feet will speak to the brain and tell it all kinds of information. It will help with balance. The relationship of the feet to the pelvis will convey even more valuable information. If the feet are properly working the pelvis is lubraicted as it moves from side to side in a rhytmic fashion. A healthy pelvis is far less likely to fracture. 

 Seniors need to stay mobile without the use of canes and walkers for as long as possible. It will keep them healthy without too many risks assocaties with other more aggressive forms of exercise. Their brains respond well to walking. Some studies suggest that regular walkers have lower incidence of dementia. This is in part due to better blood flow to the brain. Look around and see who the happy seniors are. That is how you want to be when you get to the finish line.

About DarienChiropractor Brian McKay

Core Health is a Chiropractic facility that offers specialized care of the musculoskeletal system focusing on increased function of the body as a whole. We look at the soft tiissue and the skeletal system and treat both to obtain the best results for our patients. Athletes young and old turn to us to stay in the game.We also treat back pain, migraines, plantar fasciitis and tennis elbow.   Dr.McKay is a contributing author to a number of respected web authority sites.

DarienChiropractor Brian McKay

555 Post Road
Darien, CT United States 06820
