The Domain of Thought Leadership Is Developing Solutions

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( — January 10, 2022) —

The element of following is crucial in this case. It would be simple for me to declare chocolate to be the meal of the future, but I’m not much of a thought leader if no one follows my example.

Israel proceeded after expressing his concept, giving instances and forecasting that things will change. He named social media as one of the change factors. After a decade, social media continues to appoint new agents, tasked with identifying new niches and herding converts like livestock. For those of you who are interested in philosophy, I imagine Heraclitus would want royalties on all the alterations. (For more information, see MySpace and Microsoft Messenger.)

Just as the nightly news focused on the soundbite to punctuate their reporting, the emergence of social media has enhanced the impact of short, pithy quotations. The lack of context and a lack of insight or explanation required to completely grasp a difficulty, situation, or subject, much alone find a solution, is a side consequence of both of these easy-to-swallow pieces of data.

The thought leader investigates further. They provide the groundwork for understanding the topic by filling in the gaps with facts, views, research, statistics, anecdotes, hypotheses, and evidence, allowing their ideas to stand on their own.

I’ve long believed that the junction of social media and thought leadership is often conflicting. Social media is a fast-paced, in-the-moment medium. Thought leadership is explored and quantified.

You’d think that at this stage in my career, I’d know better than to try to categorize things into such nice and tidy groups. A single tweet might pique your interest in a more complex topic. To communicate a new concept, a TikTok video may build on the notion of a picture being worth 1000 words. A simple Facebook post may peel out the essence of your thought leadership concept. All of these platforms may provide links to more comprehensive material, encouraging users to read more, delve deeper, and get a better understanding.

Thought leadership is often referred to by PR professionals in the same manner that I refer to chocolate: often, enthusiastically, and with an appreciation for the intricacies of quality, textures, and tastes. Here are my opinions on the critical components for authentic thought leadership, based on over 20 years of writing, reporting, and editing.

A thought leader is someone who seeks to provide a solution to an issue. As individuals have cataloged difficulties, barrels of ink, both analog and digital, have been exhausted. Thought leaders take it a step further and sketch out a possible answer. They’ve put in the effort and conducted the necessary research.

When looking for a solution, a real thought leader takes a wide view. They don’t merely think about how a scenario will influence them or their business. They take a comprehensive approach to a problem, determining how the issue or circumstance may or may not have a bigger influence, change, or worry. (See also ‘All boats rise with the tide.’)

Sangram Vajre remarked in a 2017 post for that the label of thought leader should be acquired by the remarks of others, rather than self-appointed. This concept appeals to me since it implies that the problem has been thoroughly investigated. People have investigated it, double-checked it, and crunched the data. A self-appointment implies a pat-on-the-back, look-at-me attitude.

Let’s take it one step further. It’s also vital to note that thought leadership isn’t, at its heart, a sales pitch, no matter how well disguised. Yes, businesses should reap the benefits of thought leadership, but it must be more than a thinly disguised assertion that “our product is the answer to your issue.” True thought leadership can – and should – be a powerful tool for establishing credibility, awareness, and confidence in a company’s leadership.

I’ve spoken to a lot of individuals that I consider thought leaders, as well as a lot of people who want to be thought leaders. Based on my observations, the greatest advice I can provide is to cross the ambition of becoming a thought leader off your bucket list. Thought leaders, in my opinion, aren’t screaming for the label; instead, they’re just attempting to do their best, develop their profession, and keep the tide pouring in. Whether it’s information technology, fashion design, space exploration, or high-end chocolate, they strive to be the greatest in their profession.