Forbes Interviews Online Reputation Expert

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( — March 14, 2014)  Salt Lake City, Utah — Don Sorensen has been helping companies and CEO’s improve their online reputations over the last ten years and in recent Forbes interviews he shares the reason it is important is because a poor online reputation and negative search engine results can cost companies revenue. During his interviews Don Sorensen shares online reputation management (ORM) tips, why CEO’s should also be concerned with their online image, and the inevitability that a company needs ORM.


In Don’s most recent interview he shares an example where one of his clients was losing an estimated two million dollars in sales a year because of their poor online reputation. While this is an alarming statistic on its own the company felt his estimates were low! The interview, conducted by Cheryl Conner, deliberates on what a company can do to protect their online image. Due to search engine results changing often based on news, social media, and search engine algorithm updates companies should be looking at their search engine results page (SERP) and ensuring that they control as many of the links as possible. Don Sorensen notes that “creating and keeping a positive online reputation is a continuous, ongoing process that all brands need to be involved in.” Throughout this interview Don shares some strategies and tips he recommends his clients use to enhance their online reputation.


Sorensen is adamanant that companies utilize and use acitively all the social media outlets available to the business. It will not only help a company rank well in search engines but also prevent potential hackers from using them maliciously. Don Sorensen also suggests using blogs and videos to enhance the company’s image. Both rank well in Google and generate more traffic than a typical static website. While it is possible to do some online reputation management internally such as public relation campaigns, social media updates, and content/blog development many companies don’t have the resources or experience to launch a complete ORM campaign.


Don Sorensen suggests when seeking outside help for reputation management look for a trustworthy professional who can show their successes with other clients. Consider the company’s needs and ask what strategies the reputation firm will implement such as PR campaigns or an increased social media presence. However, the cost of online reputation management varies greatly as each scenario is unique, and repairing an online reputation is much more costly than maintaining a positive one. Similarly, it is just as important that a company’s CEO maintains a positive online profile.


In another article from Cheryl Conner she discusses exactly how and why it is necessary for CEOs to keep an enhanced online profile. When she asks Don for his input he stresses that “it has never been a more important time to actively manage their online reputations.” Due to social media CEOs are often brought into the spotlight and if something within the company goes wrong their reputation can be impacted negatively. Her Forbes article shares five reasons why CEOs need to maintain stellar online reputation management.


Citing numerous examples and depicting vivid pictures the article explains why it is necessary to take a proactive approach at developing a CEO’s online reputation. Primarily, a negative reputation may dissuade potential customers as well as investors from purchasing from a company. This could drastically affect a company’s sales and hinder revenues. Ideally, a CEO would build a positive online reputation, continue to enhance this persona, and be portrayed in the media as an industry leader. Despite the significance of maintaining a positive online reputation some companies overlook the irreversible damages a negative online reputation can have.


Don Sorensen’s valuable advice: “Online reputation management is very much alive and inevitable in this digital age, it’s time for companies to improve their reputation management strategy or suffer the consequences.” He realizes that old techniques and online reputation strategies are no longer as effective as they once were. Consequently, companies continue to use these outdated methods and are forcing themselves to function reactively to negative online situations because they are not able to maintain a proactive approach. Moreover, companies and CEOs who are unwilling or neglect to maintain a positive online reputation should expect the company’s revenue to fall.


Online reputation management is more important now than ever before and with advances in technology and complex algorithms it is more difficult than ever before. Taking control of a company or CEO’s online reputation before it is damaged beyond repair has incalculable advantages. Don Sorensen has helped many clients improve their online reputation and he has seen first-hand the detrimental effects a negative search engine result will have on a company. This is true for all companies large and small and maintaining a positive online reputation can be very advantageous.


Don Sorenson can be reached directly through his website


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