Pill Inventor Says Sex & Reproduction To Be Separated By 2050

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(Newswire.net — November 17, 2014) Alicante, Alicante — Following a recent interview with Austrian-American chemistry Professor Carl Djerassi, the Daily Telegraph has exposed his vision of women in their twenties choosing in vitro fertilization (IVF) to conceive, whereby providing them with the total freedom to choose a professional career or having the choice to not have a partner. 91 year old Djerassi, known as the “father of the Pill,” said… “For women, the separation between sex and reproduction will become a 100 percent reality in a not so distant future.”


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The renowned professor of chemistry played a very important role at Stanford University , when developing birth control medication in 1951. The Professor claims that just one century later, contraception will no longer be necessary. He also doubted any form of evolution with regards to the male contraceptive pill, as tests could take decades to prove that sperm quality was not effected in any way. He says that any pill will just become outdated, as both men and women will begin to choose the option of freezing their reproduction cells at a young age before getting sterilized.


He added… “Advances in IVF treatments are going to make it a lor more safer for healthy parents without fertility problems to consider the possibility of undergoing IVF. I predict that the majority of women will decide to be fertilized through IVF, due to the advances in genetic screening. Once that actually begins to happen, IVF will be considered as a normal way to have children.”


The Professor explains that children born with IVF could end up being healthier, as they would be conceived using younger eggs and sperm. He also says that when they themselves become parents they would have the confidence of knowing that having a baby can be delayed without any repercussions. Should the professor’s predictions turn out to be true, future generations would concentrate a lot more on building successful careers, and sex would just become a pastime.


At present, success rates of women becoming pregnant after 45 are very slim, and practically impossible when using their own eggs. According to the national IVF governing bodies, virtually 50 percent of women over 40 do have fertility problems, having just a two percent chance of becoming pregnant in their mid-forties, which in comparison with woman 10 years younger, who have a 75% chance of getting pregnant.


It is necessary to look abroad for the best IVF treatment success rates for women over 40, with one of the leading IVF clinics being found in Spain. Ivf-Spain offers a complete analysis of different treatments, along with their own published IVF success rates as comparatives against the Spanish national averages. Anyone interested in discovering the best IVF treatment in Europe, just needs to visit www.ivf-spain.com to find a complete encyclopaedia about today’s most successful IVF treatments for women over 40.






