Sports Doctor Scott Tucker Speaks At Banquet

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( — December 17, 2014)  — Scott Tucker, a sports medicine practitioner long attached with the association, will be the main speaker for this fall’s East Coast GSA banquet, scheduled for October 1. The annual event includes dinner, dancing, awards, and entertainment for all association members and their families.

“We weren’t sure if Scott would agree to speak at first,” says Jean Lipton of the GSA. “His work with us and the kids has been nothing short of outstanding and we wanted to do something to show that. He isn’t the most extroverted man, so we were all very happy and relieved when he agreed.”

The topic of this year’s banquet will be symbiosis, stressing the absolute need of each team member for one another. This theme of teamwork is common to all team sports, but is especially important to the GSA.

“By focusing on not just teamwork, but empathy and real awareness of teammates, you get to a whole other level of play that is difficult to reach and even harder to maintain,” says Lipton. “It usually comes in a wave pattern and when you’re at the top of it, you make sure to get all you can.”

Tucker’s speech will be about the symbiotic relationships in the human body and how those relationships relate to the outside world. The speech will feature a few demonstrations with audience volunteers as well.

Tucker has been a doctor for over twelve years working out of the greater Philadelphia area. He currently lives in Yardley, PA with his wife and three daughters. Tucker enjoys working with kids and hopes to provide aid to the GSA for many years to come.

The GSA is a youth competitive soccer organization for ages six through sixteen and has hubs nationwide. The Association focuses on building strong personalities and character traits using soccer as a daily practice for those values.


By Patrick Conner