A Bug Free Mind Gets German Backing

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(Newswire.net — May 5, 2015) Steyning, West Sussex — 

In a recent video published on Youtube, personal development best seller “A Bug Free Mind” is given complete backing by a German customer, who explains why she now thinks that changing a life round overnight is possible, According to Elizabeth Battenberg, her success can only be attributed to the advice given by UK author Andy Shaw. Elizabeth says that she has been studying personal development virtually all of her life, though more recently has began to discover the world of internet marketing. She starts by saying how shocked she was when she found out that the personal development niche only produced a 1% success rate, which she felt was just incredibly pathetic.


Elizabeth admits that she just couldn’t stop thinking about the possibility of being able to just reset her mind, being the principle theory behind “A Bug Free Mind”. She says she thought it would just be fantastic to be able to upload new software into the mind to solve problems that life can bring, so went ahead and invested in Andy Shaw’s life changing system called “A Bug Free Mind”. Andy Shaw is described by Elizabeth as a man possessing the qualities of simplicity, modesty, and straight-forwardness, so helping to connect him with his audience, and most important of all that he really does come over as credible.


The bug free mind system, when studied, she says will actually provide the knowledge to help a person never return to their old way of life. She adds: “You will change, and you will never be the same.” Elizabeth then explains in the video a few of the major knowledge factors that helped her to get to where she is today, but points out that the hardest thing for people to understand is actually knowing what they want in life. A bug free mind, she says, actually helps to break down the barriers that prevent people from knowing what they truly do want in life. She continues by saying that the system makes people aware of their thoughts, how thoughts are actually connected to a person’s reality, and in fact how they actually create a person’s reality.


German born Elizabeth Battenberg concludes by saying that the system creates awareness for choice, so people end up doing, having, and being what they want. She says that this particular personal development system has already helped her to remove the “don’t wants” from her mind / life, while making her aware of what she really does want to do with her life now. More information about “A Bug Free Mind,” can be found on the official website, where the option to download the first 5 chapters for free is still available.






