Men’s Essentials Magazine: Huge Opportunities with IP

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( — August 17, 2015) — August 17, 2015) Men’s Essentials Magazine has published an extensive report on the opportunities for regular businesspeople to profit by developing intellectual property (IP). The market for IP is growing exponentially and unlike the one associated with bricks and mortar, this property bubble is never going to burst.

It’s an intriguing premise: “Imagine you possess a magical type of property–a property you can own, sell, rent and use–all at the same time. Now imagine another type of magical asset. Rather than depleting the more you use it, this asset increases in value,” says Damian Loth, publisher of Men’s Essentials Magazine.

These are just a couple of examples of the unique advantages and benefits associated with the valuable class of intangible assets known as IP, that are covered in the feature article.

Regular Businesses Earn Bonus Income by Developing Their IP

And, according to Mitch Axelrod, author of “The NEW Game of IP” and an entrepreneur who has been trading in IP since 1978, you don’t need to be a genius to play big in this game. Loth’s comprehensive report is based on his extensive interview with Axelrod. The report details the best opportunities and the fastest way to get started developing or brokering IP. The report is written for businesspeople in a variety of different situations. Loth even puts Axelrod on the spot–challenging him to outline how a business not normally identified with IP, like a plumber, can leverage their IP assets.

Axelrod says the vast majority of successful businesses have unrealised IP they could be monetizing: “All it takes is a shift in thinking … adopting a new mindset.”

Large companies have built their market capitalizations on the foundation of IP assets for decades, though smaller businesses have been slower to recognize that they possess valuable IP assets.  IP is a major contributor to the asset class known as intangibles. Once the forgotten step-child of accounting, intangibles now represent, on average, over 80% of the market valuation of S&P 500 companies. Loth says “To think it was only 1970 when there were many, many companies on the S&P that attributed ZERO value to intangibles.”

Loth says it’s hard to overstate the scale of the opportunity in the IP economy or how still incredibly early in the expansion stage we are, and he considers Axelrod’s training on the subject to be some of the best available.
Axelrod created his NEW Game of IP training to address a specific vertical within the IP economy which he feels is the easiest for most business people to grasp and profit from. He says he can teach most of his students how to structure and complete their first licensing deal within 30 – 60 days, leveraging nothing more than the “Six-inches between their ears.”

Men’s Essentials Magazine is a best-selling lifestyle magazine. Published exclusively for iTunes, it’s available for download to all devices running the iOS operating system, though it is designed for consumption on either the iPad or the iPhone. See:

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