Plantar Fasciitis Brush on Relief Topical Foot Pain Remedy Launched

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( — February 5, 2019) — A new plantar fasciitis treatment has been launched, called HeelAid, offering patients a science backed treatment for heel pain based in clinical trials. HeelAid offers plantar fasciitis pain relief in as little as 10 days, and is ideal for anyone dealing with severe pain in their heel or the bottom of their foot.

More information can be found at:

Many people experience severe heel pain or foot pain when they get out of bed in the morning, or after they exercise. Plantar fasciitis is caused by inflammation of the tissue that connects the heel bone to the base of the toes.

This process usually starts gradually, although it gets worse over time, and can be very painful for those suffering with it. Symptoms to look out for include inflammation and severe pain when walking that can impair walking.

Most patients are told to treat their condition with physical therapy and rest, although some are given cortisone injections as a last resort. This option is not proven to work, and has left many people wondering if there are other options out there.

This is where HeelAid can help, because it has been designed to help people avoid extreme or length treatment measures. It is made with safe, gentle and natural ingredients and alleviates pain, giving the body time to heal.

In the ongoing clinical trials, 90% of patients have seen their symptoms improve after just 3-7 days of use. HeelAid is not just a general muscle rub, and is not a counter irritant, but rather penetrates the skin to the fascia to ease pain.

It was formulated by Dr Bryant Burke, who has dedicated his career to developing natural, safe and effective topical treatments.

The HeelAid site states, “It is a safe, natural, topical agent to provide pain relief for plantar fascititis. It is plant-based, non-toxic, painless, and contains no drugs. HeelAid™ has been tested for safety and efficacy. Your satisfaction is assured with our money back guarantee.”

Full details can be found on the URL above.