Cornwall Innovations Expert Pandemic Spread Reduction Campaign Launched

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Innovolo have announced an innovation callout for innovators to help curb the spread of the current pandemic. The new campaign is aimed at anybody that has an idea that they believe will help limit the spread.

A new innovation campaign has been announced by Innovolo for tech solutions during the pandemic. Innovolo, based in Cornwall, are looking for innovations to help control the current outbreak that are ready to be used immediately or in the near-future. The innovation callout is ideal for anybody that has an idea to help control the spread of the virus and save lives.

For more information please visit the website here:

Visitors to the site will find that Innovolo has a detailed form with question prompts that can be completed on the site and submitted online. The form asks for some basic details such as name, address and phone number, but also requests details on whether the innovation is part of a startup company, university, college or other organisation.

In addition to this, innovators will be required to explain the present designation in the case of start-up applicants, individual innovators and innovators who are currently in work or working towards a degree. There are a wide range of selections to be chosen to categorize which area the innovation belongs to, such as screening, therapeutics, rehabilitation, diagnostics, surveillance, preventative, and digital applications.

In addition to this, the type of innovation is also requested. For instance, the innovation could be technology-based, a service or even a product such as testing kits. For the choice options, there is also the choice of “other” for innovations that do not fit in the other categories. The form also includes areas where innovators can briefly explain the innovation or idea and what problem it is addressing.

There is a section where innovators can detail similar approved products in the region as well as the solution and how it is relevant to help combat the spread of the current pandemic. Furthermore, the form asks for what stage the innovation is at, the expected costs and the expected timeline for the product to reach the market as well as what is needed for this to happen, what help would be needed to deploy the innovation, and whether the innovation has been clinically tested.

The company states: “Each Call for Innovation is meant to encourage outside-the-box thinking and open the door to new opportunities that might not otherwise be possible through traditional procurement.”

Those wishing to find out more can visit their website on the link provided above.