Anchorage AK Small Restaurants Business Text Message Marketing Service Launched

Photo of author has announced the availability of its SMS text messaging marketing service for independent restaurants and small business owners in Anchorage, Alaska. has announced the availability of its SMS text messaging marketing service for independent restaurants and small business owners in Anchorage, Alaska.

More details can be found at

The announcement of the availability of’s SMS text messaging marketing service will be of interest to independent restaurant and small business owners in Anchorage, Alaska, who are looking for a simple but effective method of communicating with their loyal customer base.’s SMS text messaging marketing service helps independent restaurant and small business owners collect customer telephone numbers by enabling them to register for a promotional offer or voucher code by sending a simple text message to the business. Once a customer has opted-in to the service, restaurateurs and business owners can send targeted and timely marketing communications based on their business’s immediate needs.

SMS text messages are typically opened and read by 98% of recipients within three minutes of being sent. This means that SMS text marketing campaigns effectively deliver messages that communicate a sense of urgency and promote a fear of missing out (FOMO) reaction from their audience.

Because people carry their cell phones everywhere and engage with them constantly, SMS marketing messages reach customers regardless of their location and at times when other marketing channels will fail to be engaged with. In addition, unlike email marketing messages, SMS text marketing messages are not siphoned into a promotional message folder and so less likely to be ignored.

To enhance the service further, will be limiting the availability of the service to a small number of specific businesses in Anchorage, Alaska. Availability will be based on a first-come, first-served basis and provide business owners who register for the service at a considerable advantage over their competitors. clients will also be given access to its online press release service, which is design to increase local businesses’ visibility and dominate their business vertical on Google.

More information about’s SMS text messaging marketing service for independent restaurants and small businesses owners in Anchorage, Alaska, is available at