Urine Toxic Metals Test Available Through Lab Tests Plus

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(Newswire.net — March 6, 2018) — Lab Tests Plus has added a Urine Toxic Metals Profile Tests to its lineup of lab tests. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) states toxic metals, including “heavy metals,” are individual metals and metal compounds that negatively affect people’s health. Some toxic, semi-metallic elements, including arsenic and selenium, are all types of heavy metals that can be harmful to you. In very small amounts, some of these metals are necessary to support life. However, in larger amounts, they become toxic. They may build up in biological systems and become a substantial health risk.

Research studies over the years have documented major health issues associated with heavy metal toxicity. Lead toxicity is a known cause of attention problems in children, and other long-term has serious health risks. It can not only damage vital brain structures, but can accumulate in the bones as well and be permanently stored in the body for years. Mercury exposure is another toxic metal which negatively impacts the brain and nervous system. It has also been linked to various neurological disorders that cause moodiness, emotional volatility, and odd stereotypical behavior – including behaviors seen in autism. There are a host of other heavy metals too such cadmium, arsenic, aluminum that have their own negative impact on health. Taking a Urine Toxic Metals profile test can help to solve some very serious health questions.

Dr. Woeller says, “The difficulty with heavy metal toxicity is that, unless there is a suspected acute exposure to heavy metals, most individuals don’t ever consider that chronic heavy metal toxicity could be at the root of their health problems. Also, many doctors are not sufficiently trained to recognize chronic heavy metal toxicity and don’t routinely test their patients. This unfortunately in reality leaves thousands of people vulnerable to the toxic effects of heavy metals. The Urine Toxic Metalsprofile is a complete assessment of urine metal excretion. This test is useful for anyone undergoing heavy metal detoxification therapy, or who wants to assess current heavy metal exposure. Doctors often use this test for excretion of heavy metals via heavy metal detoxification therapy.”

This test has been touted by patients as life- changing. Patient Abigail Shilohs states, “My son has severe Autism. We were working with our pediatrician to figure out why my son was having such severe mood swings. We were lucky enough to take a Urine Toxic Metals test and found out he was overloaded with Mercury! Once we found what we were looking for, it made a huge difference in our day to day lives.”

A Urine Toxic Metals test is also used to monitor the excretion of heavy metals over time through a process called heavy metal detoxification therapy. For anyone dealing with a chronic health problem, especially a neurological or mental health disorder, then heavy metal assessment should be on the list of lab tests to consider. Heavy metal testing is also part of the lab testing process for individuals on the autism-spectrum. Lab results, a Doctor’s review of test results, and a Doctor’s recommendation for a course of action based on your personalized results are all included in the Urine Toxic Metals test.

Labs Tests Plus was created in order for patients to have access to a plethora of tests not typically utilized by mainstream clinicians. This website offers Doctor reviewed, Specialty Lab tests sent direct to the patient, without a Doctor’s visit. For more information or to order any of the test on Lab Tests Plus, please visit their website, at LabTestsPlus.com.