Eating Can Fend off Fatigue

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( — July 15, 2018) Cheyenne, Wyoming — Many times people feel tired and they’re not really sure why. They’ve got nothing the blame like no hangovers, no coffee crash or sleep deprivation so what’s the root issue with feeling so fatigued? More often than not, it’s linked to an imbalance with one’s internal pH system. Luckily, the body is very efficient thanks to homeostasis but when stressed, major organs become the priority and other functions become sluggish and all this is typically due to excess acid.  

“The pH of the body is measured on a scale between 0 and 14, with 7 being neutral,” explain “Anything over 7 is alkaline and anything under is acidic. It’s thought that for the body to remain healthy, its pH must stay between 7.35 and 7.45. The problem is that our diets are becoming more acidic and most people are not aware that a large percentage of the foods we normally consume can alter these levels. As a consequence, the organs experience a series of problems when trying to carry out their functions. As toxin levels increase, tissues begin to deteriorate and serious diseases occur.” 

Eating too much acid-forming foods is medically associated with obesity, premature aging and fatigue, just to name a few of the maladies that come with the modern American diet. Scientists have found that an acidic internal pH can trigger normal cells to evolve into cancerous cells. Certainly none of these issues are ever desirable so pay close attention to the internal alkalinity. 

“Research shows that diets consisting of highly alkaline foods — fresh vegetables, fruits and unprocessed plant-based sources of protein, for example — result in a more alkaline urine pH level, which helps protect healthy cells and balance essential mineral levels,” details Dr. Axe. “Alkaline diets (also known as the alkaline ash diets) have been shown to help prevent plaque formation in blood vessels, stop calcium from accumulating in urine, prevent kidney stones, build stronger bones, reduce muscle wasting or spasms, and much more.” 

The body functions pretty much like a vehicle, if grade 87 octane fuel is put into a vehicle designed to run on 90 octane petrol then in short order there will be some sort of problems, yes it will run for a while but how well and at what cost to other parts? Likewise, the human body (think vehicle) requires the right diet combination (think fuel) dominated by alkaline forming foods. 

“Your health depends on the balance of an alkaline environment, created by eating foods such as tomatoes, avocados and green vegetables… and regulating your body’s acid/alkaline chemistry through simple changes in diet can result in weight loss, increased stamina and strength, a stronger immune system and a greater sense of wellbeing,” details Robert O. Young, Scientist and Author of The pH Miracle

Eating alkaline forming foods is a great first step and another effective way to quickly improve pH balance is through drinking more water, specifically alkaline water. Liquids move about the body much faster than solids can and water is considered the most efficient mediums for transferring minerals and nutrients throughout. Alkaline water is proven to be even more beneficial since its molecules are smaller than that of plain water. The HealthyWiser™ pH Booster is a great way of transforming any glass of water into alkaline water, it may also be added to coffee, juices and many other beverages to enhance its alkalinity and provide the full energy needed.

About HealthyWiser LLC

HealthyWiser™ is a recognized and flourishing personal health and premium dietary supplement brand offering products that are diligently tested to meet industry standards. Passionate about good health and innovation the HealthyWiser™ brand is committed to delivering quality to customers. Learn more about the pH Booster Drops on Amazon.

HealthyWiser LLC

109 E 17TH ST STE 420
Cheyenne, Wyoming 82001
United States