Domestic Violence in the US Still on the Rise

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( — August 10, 2018) — It is fairly common nowadays to hear horror stories about physical abuse. Just because we all hear about it or even watch it on the news, does not mean it should be glorified nor justified. It is pretty scary just the thought that the person you thought you could trust most would end up hurting you emotionally and physically. When people hear physical abuse, they immediately assume that only men are capable of physically abusing their partners but this is definitely not true because we all probably have already heard news about women physically abusing their partners. According to CNN, each year there are 10 million women and men that become victims of domestic violence, and just by looking at that number, you would  realize that there are so many cases about intimate partner violence that you do not hear about yet you know it is happening. In the U.S., almost 20 people per minute are physically abused and the numbers just keep rising. The worst part about this is that physical abuse does not only leave a scar physically but internally as well. Violence is certainly never the answer to anything. There are plenty of problems that can arise from physical abuse.

One can only take so much but being physically abused does not exactly assure that the person being abused will immediately leave once having experienced the abuse. That is why there is such a thing called the “Battered Woman Syndrome.” A lot of people, when they hear that someone they know is being abused, would typically ask why he or she still stays in such an abusive relationship when he or she already knows that the hurting will not stop any time soon and they might even think that since he or she is being emotionally and physically abused, he or she should be able to leave the relationship more easily, but that is just not the case. There are some people that because of the abuse he or she is receiving from the abuser he or she would begin to feel helpless and will even think that he or she deserves that kind of abuse when in reality, no type of abuse, whether physical or emotional, should ever be tolerated or deserved by anyone.

While there are people who choose to stay despite being abused, there are also people who choose to leave immediately as soon as they experience being abused. But then, this is very hard especially for partners who have a child as it may also affect the children. There are also a lot of cases that even involve the children being abused and not only the spouse which only makes domestic violence even worse. It just makes you think how people can actually stomach hurting their spouse. Verbally abusing someone is already bad, but adding physical abuse to the equation is a whole other thing and it is something that should not be tolerated. But what is worse is that the number of physically abused spouses just keep increasing each year. It is good for people who have chosen to leave as soon as they can, but what about those cases where it is too late to leave or what about those who have no choice but to stay because they are being threatened or having more problems the abuser is causing them? There have been cases about domestic violence where the one being abused is not able to leave because the abuser is threatening him or her saying that something worse would happen to him or her if he or she tried to leave. Being abused alone is scary enough but being threatened that something worse might happen if they tried to leave is even scarier. It is hard to decipher what is inside the minds of these abusers. What is it exactly that they feel or what do they gain by abusing someone? There are abusers who are very insecure that they choose to pass their insecurities onto their partners and that can be the start of a physical abuse among partners. Domestic violence also starts when one of the spouses develop or feel the need to dominate the relationship, it might be because of jealousy as there are some people who get overly jealous and we never really know what one is capable of doing, or because of low self-esteem, or just the plain need for control. But physical abuse does not just stop there as abusers can pass the behavior to the next generation especially when their own children witness the abuse frequently, according to psychology, children who have been exposed to domestic violence are more likely to be violent when they grow up and there is a possibility that they will also either abuse their partners or be abused by their partners. The impacts of domestic violence do not just circle the abuser and the abused but those who witness them as well so there must be something done to stop or at least minimize the number of domestic violence and educating people would probably make a difference.