Hair Care the Healthy Way

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( — November 20, 2018) — The hair and skincare industry is worth several billion dollar and is expected to steadily increase in value with everything from creams to extensions available. Hair in particular has always and will forever be connected to female sexual attractiveness, male virility and generally a positive image hence it’s no surprise that people are eager to spend a whole lot of money in hopes of attaining the perfect look. What’s perplexing however is how they often neglect to cater to the health of their hair and total health as well. 

“Sebum, the natural oil produced by your body, forms an outer layer on your skin and hair known as the acid mantle, which holds in moisture and protects against foreign contaminants like bacteria and dust mites,” explains True Moringa. “Both the products we use on our hair and bodies and the foods we eat can disrupt our natural internal and external pH balance. The American diet, high in sugar and carbs tends to overload the digestive system with acids, bringing down our pH balance, causing discomfort, and most shampoos and cleansers are highly alkaline, overcompensating to treat oily skin or hair, but leaving it stripped and dull instead.” 

It’s been said that less and is more, and this is indeed true when it comes to hair care. The more chemicals and products used also means an increase in acidity which is counterproductive to good health. Adopting a minimalistic approach to beauty care is the best option in this fast paced doped up modern era and cosmetologists agree that less is best for optimal skin and hair health. Scientists deduce that each human has roughly 100,000 follicles on their scalp if they happen to have black hair with blondes possessing 10% more than that and redheads having 10% less. So with hair falling out every single day, there’s always room being made for new growth which means there’s always an opportunity to start anew with your hair care routine. Cutting back on products used is a pretty good first step but the real difference will come with an improved diet. 

“It is an imbalance of acidity and alkalinity that allows unhealthy organisms to flourish, damages tissues and organs and compromises the immune system,” explains Dr. Axe. “Normally, the kidneys maintain our electrolyte levels, those of calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium. When we are exposed to acidic substances, these electrolytes are used to combat acidity. High degrees of acidity force our bodies to rob minerals from the bones, cells, organs and tissues.” 

So it’s clear that an unhealthy diet translates into unhealthy hair sooner or later. A diet with foods which offer little nutrients eventually causes hair to become thin and can even lead to hair loss. Most of the food we eat is consumed purely based on how good it tastes but making choices because of the instant gratification provided is a rather superficial approach to life. And while a lot of unhealthy foods are delicious, they’re also blocking your arteries with fat and providing your long locks from growing the way you’d like. 

What’s the solution then? Eat more alkaline forming foods! Make a conscious effort to fill up with fruits, vegetables, nuts and even yogurts as they help to reduce internal acidity and promote a favorable alkaline environment. But how do you know if the change will work? By a simply DIY pH test at home of course! There are many options available but one of the best and highly recommended ones are the HealthyWiser™ pH Health Test Strips for Saliva and Urine as they are cost-effective, convenient and yield results with 99.9% accuracy. So the next time you wonder if all’s well within, just take a quick swab test and see for yourself how a change in pH can bring you closer to visible changes and glowing health.

HealthyWiser™ is a recognized and flourishing personal health and premium dietary supplement brand offering products that are diligently tested to meet industry standards. Passionate about good health and innovation, the HealthyWiser™ brand is committed to delivering quality to customers. Learn more about pH Health Test Strips for Saliva & Urine on Amazon.

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