Air Pollution Found to Cause 7 Million Premature Deaths Annually

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( — July 4, 2019) Orlando, FL — Air pollution has long been considered to be a major threat to the Earth and human health. Unfortunately, this problem is found to be a cause of high mortality.

Air pollution is found to cause 7 million premature deaths annually. Almost everywhere around the world today is highly toxic. This is why it is imperative for people to take the measures necessary in increasing their protection against this health threat.

According to the World Health Organization, one in eight of total global deaths is due to air pollution in 2012. New data also revealed that a stronger link was found in between indoor and outdoor air pollution exposure and cardiovascular conditions. This includes strokes and ischemic heart disease.

Further, researchers found a link in between air pollution and cancer. It has been speculated that air pollution plays a role in the onset of respiratory diseases. This includes acute respiratory infections and chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases.

In 2012, it has also found that 3.3 million deaths are associated with indoor air pollution and 2.6 million deaths from outdoor pollution.

It is important to clean up the air to reduce the risk of non-communicable diseases. It could also decrease the risk of diseases among women and some other vulnerable groups, such as the elderly and children.

Some health experts also recommend that consumers should detoxify their bodies from the toxins brought by air pollution. There are several ways to detoxify the body, such as consuming more healthy foods and avoiding consumption of alcohol.

It is important to remember that many of the most prevalent diseases nowadays are preventable. These medical conditions develop due to the high levels of toxins that the human body is overburdened from.

Eliminating these toxins could be significantly helpful in warding off these diseases. One of the best ways to cleanse the body is to use activated charcoal. This body detoxifying ingredient is popularized by its ability to bind with toxins and eliminate them from the human body.

Purest Vantage Activated Charcoal is one of the formulas widely considered to be useful in delivering the therapeutic goodness, body-cleansing effects of this natural remedy. It is crafted carefully in a Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) facility in the United States.

This formula could help eliminate even the most stubborn toxins from the body. It is also free from a variety of nasty ingredients that consumers badly want to avoid. This formula is also highly potent, which is another reason why many people think it is superior over other brands (


Purest Vantage is passionate and dedicated to developing high-quality products that assist people in maintaining optimal health, enabling them to enjoy all the benefits a healthy lifestyle offers.


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(407) 208-2064