Can You Swim in a Pool with High Chlorine

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( — January 8, 2020) — It is possible to accidentally add too much chlorine to your pool. It happens even to the best of us. But the question you should be asking is: can you swim in a pool with high chlorine? If yes, what dangers are you putting yourself in? 

Can You Swim in a Pool with High Chlorine – What is the highest chlorine level safe to swim in?

Depending on the size of your swimming pool and swimming pool material, you will need to treat it with a certain amount of chlorine. Well, this post will answer all the questions you may have about too much chlorine in your pool water. It will help you bust myths about chlorine, as well as how to reduce chlorine concentration in your water for comfortable swimming. Want to know more? Keep reading below.

Busting chlorine myths.

There are lots of myths about chlorine. You have probably heard a dozen of them. It is about time you bust them and separate the facts from falsehoods. 

  • Chlorine irritates your skin.
    • There is some truth to it, but the chances are very slim. It is chloramines causing the irritation on your skin.  They will also cause red eyes. Human eye tears are anything between 7.4 and 7.6 and when your eyes are exposed to pH too far to that you will get red eyes. 
  • You can smell chlorine when it is excess.
    • You cannot smell chlorine. Your nose is picking up the scent of chloramines. If anything, the smell of chlorine means your water has less chlorine and there are few free chlorine ions in circulation. The work of chlorine is to oxidize any foreign bodies it comes into contact with. This process leads to the formation of ammonia and chlorine compounds known as chloramines. Now that is what you are smelling and thinking it is chlorine. 
  • Your blonde hair will turn green if you swim in too much chlorine.
    • What turns blonde hair green is copper. Some chlorine manufacturers add copper and that is the reason for this myth. If there are any copper pipes feeding the pool, then you will have copper traces in your water. 

How to bring down the level of chlorine in your pool.

When the concentration of chlorine is above 4ppm, then that is a slightly higher level. Pool experts say you can leave the pool unused for an hour or so and the concentration will drop by itself. However, that is not always useful in most cases. Here are other ways you can use to lower the chlorine level in your pool;

  • Let in sunlight: if your pool is covered, remove the cover and let direct sunlight do the work for you. It breaks excess chlorine within 2 to 3 hours and the problem will be no more. 
  • Don’t add more chlorine: this is no brainer, but it is always good to be reminded. When your chlorine level is above 3ppm, do not add anymore chlorine. 
  • Add chlorine neutralizer: if you want to use the pool or the chlorine concentration is way too high to wait, a chlorine neutralizer will do the job. 
  • Maintain your pool: make sure you follow a proper maintenance guide to keep your pool safe to swim in. 

Can you swim in a pool with high chlorine? Yes you can, but it will not be very comfortable. Instead of putting yourself through the trouble, you can lower the concentration. Pick one of the methods here and your water will be safe again. Remember that when you do not sure enough chlorine you run the risk of your pool turning green