Michael Wiener of Albuquerque NM Discusses How to Prepare Your Company for Post-Isolation

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(Newswire.net — June 9, 2020) —

As many states are beginning to ease their stay at home orders, entrepreneurs, sole traders, and small business owners must prepare for how and when to re-open their businesses to the public. Restaurants and retail businesses will not be able to simply resume business as usual. Extra steps will have to be taken to maintain appropriate social distancing, health and sanitation must be stressed, and overall consumer sentiment may be shifted for a long time to come as results of the COVID-19 pandemic. After weeks and months of social isolation, people may be hesitant to return to normal life in the workplace and social settings.


In this article, Michael Wiener of Albuquerque New Mexico, founder of Bestplates.com discusses best practices and tips to prepare for reopening your business when stay at home orders are finally lifted.


Staged Re-Opening

When preparing your business to re-open, it may require a multi-phased approach to reach full capacity and operating once again. While many businesses may want to bring their full staff back or hire immediately, the first phase of opening will require operating under minimal staff to adhere to social distancing requirements. The first phase must be detailed and planned on how many and which workers to bring back to the workplace first.


Marketing and Communicating

It is vital in these times to ensure your business is effectively communicating re-opening guidelines to employees and customers. Through email, social media campaigns, or advertising on your own website, promote your re-opening while also listing what business changes are taking place. Let the public know what you are doing to protect their health and safety in these times. Being proactive about your operational changes will help reassure your client base and make them feel comfortable about returning to the public.


Operational Changes

Enhanced cleaning protocols are essential as part of re-opening strategies. While most businesses may have had cleaning crews or sanitation standards previously, business owners will now have to ensure highly trafficked surfaces are sanitized frequently or between each customer. Businesses will also have to reorganize their structuring to promote safe social distancing. A list of recommended operational changes includes:

  • Encourage “No Contact” rules. Handshakes have been known to be common in a business setting but should be discouraged for the time being. Discourage all types of physical contact between individuals as much as possible.
  • Discourage the sharing of common items. Keep clean ballpoint pens separate from dirty or used pens. Encourage individual ownership of office items like staplers or notebooks.
  • Reorganize your business floorplan to promote six-foot spacing. In-office settings may mean spreading out desks and in shops, your business may need to place markers on the ground to ensure customers remain separated while waiting in line.
  • Common gathering places should be discontinued. While breakrooms are still essential for workers that need to take a break for lunch and other times throughout the day, they will need to be designed to reduce socializing and keep a safe distance.
  • Offering hand sanitizer or cleaning wipes to employees and the public throughout your business is encouraged to give people the peace of mind they are in control of the cleanliness of their environment.
  • If the sharing of items is essential in a business, make sure there are proper guidelines around cleaning between each user. 
  • Face masks may be required by the local or federal government for the foreseeable future. 
  • Capacity allowances of individuals may be reduced for the time being. Staff may be required to control the number of patrons allowed into a building at one time.


Be Respectful of Individual Needs

Customers and employees may ultimately be weary to return to public settings. If individuals are members of at-risk categories, they may need to remain in social isolation for an extended period of time. Employees should only return to work at their own discretion and customers should be handled with respect and understanding of their needs in these unprecedented times.


About Michael Wiener

Michael Wiener, Albuquerque New Mexico entrepreneur, is a renowned expert in the field of automobile license plates and motor vehicle licensing systems. He is a highly devoted professional, having worked as a New Mexico Licensed Real Estate broker, TV personality, businessman, and license plate collector with a passion for traveling.