Top 7 Reasons People Emigrate to Other Countries

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( — July 27, 2020) — Wherever in the world you live, you may well have considered emigrating to another country. The number of international migrants has been growing consistently since international transport became easier, and in 2019, there were over 270 million international migrants in the world – over 3% of the world’s population!

There are many reasons why people choose to emigrate, even from wealthy and safe countries. Emigrating has never been easier, and international moving costs are decreasing, as 1st Move International states on their blog. In this article, we will explore seven of the most common reasons that people emigrate abroad!

Environmental Factors

Many people decide to move countries in search of a nicer climate and environment. For example, it is very common for British people to move to countries like Spain, Australia, and New Zealand for the warmer weather!

A more concerning reason that people emigrate is climate change – particularly in the global south, people are increasingly moving to avoid negative consequences of climate change, such as rising sea levels and hotter temperatures. It is estimated that there may be as many as one billion climate refugees in 50 years.


Healthcare systems vary hugely between different countries, with some nations having very little infrastructure and few options for medical treatment and others offering optimized health services. 

Some countries, such as the UK and other European nations, offer public healthcare systems where medical treatment is free at the point of use and funded through taxation. Other countries, such as the US, offer world-class medical treatments and technology – as long as you can pay for it. People often emigrate for less expensive healthcare, or for specialized treatments that may be unavailable in their home countries.

Economic Opportunities

Whether it is companies moving their operations abroad and their employees following them, or people in search of work moving to places with more job prospects, work is one of the main reasons for emigrating. Many people specialize in a field or industry that is not available to work in in their home country.


Many people emigrate to take refuge from threats or potential threats to their safety. They may be a target of persecution in their home country due to factors such as ethnicity, sexuality, religion, or political affiliation. For example, it is common for members of the LGBTQ+ community to move away from less tolerant countries to more socially liberal ones. 

War and violence are also reasons that many people become refugees. In the past ten years, almost six million people fled Syria due to the civil war.


Many students decide to study abroad, either temporarily or permanently, in order to benefit from more advanced or specialized educational programs. In addition, many families move because parents want their children to take advantage of superior schooling.

Family and Relationships

Many people choose to emigrate to be closer (or in some cases, further away from!) family members. As well as this, the increase in long-distance dating due to the internet has led to many couples migrating to cohabit and even get married.


Some people decide to move abroad simply to experience a new way of life. Whether they are seeking thrill and adventure or looking to start a new life in a culture more suited to them, many people feel stifled and limited by the prospect of staying in their place of birth for their whole life – and who can blame them?