How To Turn a Profit With a Gaming Website

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( — October 7, 2020) — More and more people have gotten into gaming over the past two decades, especially with the rise of engaging shooter series like Halo, Call of Duty, and the re-emergence of the Doom series.

Similarly, new titles like Fortnite or Fall Guys have brought the fun over to a much more casual audience than we could’ve imagined back in the 90s. The number of gamers has risen dramatically on all platforms, including PC and mobile.

And with such a growing number of players, it’s easy to see how building your own gaming website could turn out to be profitable. But first, you need to consider a few key aspects that might attract people to your site. It’s a process that takes time, patience, a lot of research and work. Here are a few tips to make your life a little easier.

Pick a Niche

“But I already have a niche: gaming.” Well yes, but actually no. You see, gaming is much like sports. Just like in sports you have football, basketball, hockey, and many others, video games are the same.

You have indie games, shooters, action-adventure titles, stealth games, RPGs, and much, much more. Focusing on a single genre or a couple of related similar genres could help you condense your website in the beginning when you have limited resources.

One such example is Nexus Mods, a website and forum wholly dedicated to the modding community. Not only that but looking at their front page you’ll notice that their top focus are games from Bethesda, like Skyrim, Fallout, and Morrowind, along with other similar RPGs. 

And, of course, they have a lot of display ads related to this niche as well as targeted ads by Google – that’s where most of their profit comes from.

Consider Going on the iGaming Route

Ads are annoying, right? Well, here’s yet another way to turn a profit on your gaming website without using them at all. 

People like betting on eSports and engaging in custom-made games that could earn them some cash as well. 

Sounds like a good deal? Then get into this particular niche, stop thinking that much about hosting ads on your website, and learn how to start iGaming website. Once you go through all the steps and promote it correctly, money shouldn’t be a worry.

gamers competing

Create Professional Walkthroughs

If you’re an achievement hunter, then you’ve certainly got your fair share of platinum trophies and rare achievements.

As such, your knowledge about gaming secrets, speed running, and tricks about getting all the achievements could drive a lot of traffic to your website. Many gaming newcomers strive to get as many achievements as possible to increase their gamer score. You could help them out by creating detailed tutorials with graphs, maps, and video walkthroughs.

Many streamers, YouTubers, and people who focus their website on walkthroughs and tutorials often have Patreon accounts or a similar account where viewers can donate money. As such, you’ll be able to earn a lot of money if visitors find your content really helpful. And speaking of video tutorials…

Get Into Streaming

A lot of big company video game websites are also on platforms like Twitch and YouTube. Whenever a highly anticipated game releases, you’ll often see a livestream from them with a sneak-peak of the first two or three hours of the game.

Bigger companies have sponsorships and often times pause the stream to tell you about their sponsor. Smaller websites, on the other hand, can place ads directly on the stream or ask for support on Patreon. More often than not, gamers will donate as long as you play the game well and fill them in with useful info. And if you have your own site, you can embed the livestream on it and promote the link on social media for even more reach.

Final Thoughts

Think about what you want to achieve with your website and consider the above tips when creating or enhancing it.

You should have a much easier time now that you know a few of these basic takeaways. In any case, we wish you the best of luck in turning a profit on your gaming website!