Microhabits, Goal Setting, 1% at a time Growth Mindset Coaching Program Launched

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A five-week success-training coaching session that teaches participants how to achieve their goals by developing hyper productive micro habits and rewire their subconscious self-sabotaging mindset is set to start in February.

Finish Line Formula, a professional coaching program aimed at transforming one’s life 1% change, one micro habit at a time, is announcing its first beta coaching session for 2021. The course, which will begin in February, is a five-week series of classes aimed to remove self-sabotaging mindsets so that its students can achieve their goals in any aspect of their lives. Unlike other coaching programs, this course features 1:1 personalized classes.

More details can be found at https://finishlineformula.com

The coaching program will reengineer habits and build a completer-finisher, growth mindset. The goal of the course is to retrain the brain through various strategies to form microhabits to complete and finish different tasks.

Microhabits are small but achievable changes in behavior, habits that snowball into massive results but are small enough to keep going on your worst days. Because these habits are smaller and easier to achieve, people tend to feel successful, keep their word to themselves and more encouraged to continue them, according to research. These same studies suggest that microhabits are useful for people who want to dramatically change their lives without feeling overwhelmed with the change. Lasting change is not done through massive action. You pick your habits and habits decide the rest of your life.

Through strategic shifts in behavior, it is focused on developing one healthy microhabit at a time, be it fitness, writing a book, living within your means, learning a foreign language or just plain becoming more efficient and productive at work.

The Finish Line Formula course structure is designed on retraining how people view certain aspects of their life. Activities that are seen as challenging or difficult are often the result of past experiences. By changing one’s perspective, or how the brain views a certain activity, participants of the beta coaching session will become more motivated to finish whatever task they have after five weeks.

“The answer lies in mindset, identity, and habits. Subconscious self-sabotage is at the heart of failure, SK Stevenson, one of the coaches of the program states. “Long-term results only work where you have reliable, automated habits to fall into on your worst possible or just plain uninspiring day.”

Interested parties can find more information at the above-mentioned website.