BSV Is Green

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( — July 7, 2021) — Have you heard of BSV? Here’s what it is. 

BSV Is Green

BSV (Bitcoin SV, the only real Bitcoin) has the unique ability to run faster and more efficiently than BTC, as it was originally designed and invented by Craig S. Wright. It can process more transactions per second than any other digital asset. We must consider this when we look at the energy consumption used, and carbon emissions created when mining digital assets. We can also look at the return on investment (ROI) provided for the amount of energy consumed.


Looking at Bitcoin and comparing it to BSV based on CO2 emissions and the amount of energy used for hashing, BSV is the overall green leader. Fewer emissions and lower energy usage make it one of the cleanest on the blockchain. You could say that there are fewer BSV tokens being mined as compared to BTC, but the ratio is by far in favor of BSV.


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Renewable Energy

Bitcoin mining uses as much energy and gives off as much carbon dioxide emissions as a small country. What is not being considered is that many of the mining operations exist in areas where energy is underutilized and would simply be wasted without these nodes. Renewable energy has and will continue to be a strong focus in the mining of digital assets. One major source of energy used by miners today is hydropower from dams. Another source is the natural gas that escapes from oil fields and is recaptured. Mining operations will always huddle near cheap sources of energy and these two are the cheapest that can sustain their operations.


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BSV vs All Others

BSV is a seamless system that provides unmatched security for identity and an immutable public data ledger on the blockchain. BSV has the capability of practically limitless financial transactions due to its inherent scalability. No other platform has that ability. Because it can provide fast payment transactions, data services, and storage of data all for a fraction of the cost, it could conceivably replace the world’s traditional banking systems and credit card operations. We are taking all the major credit card companies and tens of thousands of banks. By doing that, the immense amount of power consumption and CO2 emissions, seen today, would greatly diminish.