Where Does Your City Rank on the “Green” Scale

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(Newswire.net — November 6, 2021) — Human activity has caused many negative changes to the environment. Now, it’s time to put a stop to it.

Going green could be the key. It is the movement that teaches us how to reduce our carbon footprint and improve our ecological footprint.

Going green is much more than just recycling. It means that we should reduce pollution, waste, and energy consumption, save recourses, and much more. Each person individually and whole communities need to take part in this. We have to take some steps to preserve our planet and keep it alive for future generations. 

1. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Green Living 

Transferring to green living might not be easy as we need to change some of our habits and step out of our everyday comfort zone. Even tiny steps can make a huge difference here. 

Yes, it demands some effort and it may seem to be expensive, but there are myriad advantages, too. So, it could be really worth trying.

Save energy

Before you start having great expectations from your community and local authorities, you should know that changes start with you. So, before you leave your home next time, make sure to turn off the lights.

Do you know that some appliances and devices in your Pennsylvania home are actually energy vampires? 

Unplugging your chargers, adapters, and other devices when you don’t need them can reduce energy consumption. 

So, not only you will reduce your carbon footprint, but you will also significantly reduce your electricity bills and save a lot of money. 

Another great thing to do is buy smart devices for your home. Devices like smart lights or smart thermostats can save you a lot of electricity and natural gas. For instance, a smart thermostat enables you to turn the heating temperature down while you are away. This significantly reduces your natural gas consumption and lowers your PECO bills if you live in Philadelphia.

Less air pollution

You probably remember the clear air pictures from the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. Factories didn’t work and people remained at their homes. They didn’t use their cars or buses so there was less carbon dioxide in the air. 

What if we try refraining from using our cars even now when things got back to normal? Going to work by bike or on foot can reduce the number of greenhouse gases in the air. It can also help you get into better physical shape and feel better and more relaxed. Sounds like killing two birds with one stone. 

Sustainable form of living

Life on our planet is seriously endangered, mostly by human activity. This is why we should make our lives more sustainable. And, it’s not as complicated as it seems.

If you stop using plastic packaging and cups and replace them with reusable materials, you will already be doing a great thing for our planet.

You probably don’t control the energy consumption of your air conditioning and heating systems. Yes, they help you feel comfortable in your home. Yet, they use a lot of energy to do this. But, if you raise the temperature on your AC in summer and lower it on your heating system in winter you can reduce your carbon footprint.

Moreover, sustainable and efficient homes mean lower PECO energy costs for Pennsylvania homes.

2. Top US “Green” Cities

About 70% of the world’s population lives in urban areas. There is nothing strange about it. People have been moving closer to the cities as they wanted to be closer to their jobs, universities, and entertainment centers.

Nowadays, more than 80% of people in the US live in the cities. Living in the city is a great thing for many reasons. But, there are some things that are not so pleasant and comfortable. Lack of gardens and parks, air pollution, cars, and the list goes on. 

Yet, some US cities recognized the importance of green living. They implemented some great things to reduce their carbon footprint and become “greener”. The following cities are among the Top 10 US “green” cities: Portland, Seattle, San Diego, and Washington DC. 

Do you want your Pennsylvania city to be on the list? Well, you can start by planting some trees in your neighborhood. Walk more, use your car less. Start using smart devices in your home. Set a good example for people around you. It’s not that complicated.

3. How Future Sustainable Cities Will Look

It is expected that the world’s population will reach 9.8 billion in the next 30 years. It’s been projected that the vast majority will still be living in urban areas. These areas will need to meet certain needs to be both practical and eco-friendly.

People will still need cars, public transport, heating, and all other modern buildings and devices that make life easier. Yet, nature will always be the source of life. Therefore, sustainable urban development will have to make a balance between urban life and nature.

It is important that cities in the future use more renewable sources of energy, such as solar or wind energy. We will have to be more careful of nature if we want to repair the damage we’d caused before.

With more green spaces in front or at the tops of the buildings, the cities will have more oxygen and the air will be cleaner. Also, pollutions caused by carbon dioxide will be neutralized by those natural oxygen factories.

Final thoughts

As you can see, going green and sustainability are much simpler than they seem to be at first. Small steps can make a huge difference. The future of our planet depends on us.