How Leadership Impacts The Great Resignation

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( — March 17, 2022) Clearwater, Florida —

The Great Resignation is a term that was coined last year to describe the flood of people who are quitting their jobs as a result of re-examining their work/life balance. The pandemic and the lockdowns have led to a new reality of what is possible and the number of people quitting their jobs is at an all-time high.

This is not just affecting large organizations. Statistics show that it’s also happening in small businesses. And it’s not just about money. One of the major reasons cited for leaving a job is dissatisfaction with leadership. That old saying, people don’t leave a company, they leave a bad manager holds true now more than ever.

So, what are the qualities of a good leader? Research shows that empathy is rated as the number one quality of a good leader. Well, what does that mean?

The dictionary definition of empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. 

How can you improve your leadership skills?

  1. Discover what your people need and want so they can produce and feel fulfilled at work.
  2. Improve your communication and listening skills.
  3. Be willing to hear the input of your employees.
  4. Have a strong mission and a stated company purpose.

What employees need to feel fulfilled

It’s not a choice between performance and compassion. It’s more about discovering what workers truly care about. Most employees are willing to go the extra mile if they feel they are understood and that their leaders care about people as much as performance.

Improve communication skills

Most companies can benefit from raising the quality of their communication.  Hold regular one-on-one meetings.  If you are now in a remote work situation, make an even bigger effort to stay in communication with the employees who are not in the office.  Be clear and concise.  And learn to listen.

Ways to encourage input from employees

Most workers are reluctant to share their opinions with managers and leaders. One way is to ask questions that elicit deeper answers. Don’t assume you know what their issues are.  Ask and listen. Encourage feedback and assure them that there will be no negative response or consequence.

Why the company purpose is important

Workers today want to feel proud of where they work. The recent Edelman Trust Barometer revealed that 60 percent of people worldwide say they want to work for a company that fits in with their beliefs and values. Companies are expected to take a leadership role that addresses issues that impact society both inside the company and in the community.

If you’re experiencing any issues in your company related to leadership download our free Ebook, The Qualities Needed for Leadership

About Effective Business Management

Effective Business Management is a group of highly trained and experienced business consultants and trainers for small business owners, dedicated to helping business owners to improve and expand their business operations. We have a variety of training and consulting services, designed to help you achieve real growth without added stress, and make your business run more smoothly.

Effective Business Management

1170 N. E. Cleveland Street
Clearwater, Florida 33755
United States