Experts Warn Long-Term Irritant Exposure Leads to COPD

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( — May 31, 2022) Orlando, FL — The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that there are about 65 million individuals with moderate to severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). It is important to note that in high-income countries, its prevalence increases in the female population.

In 2005, it was found to claim the lives of over 3 million people and it corresponded to 5 percent of all global deaths. Aside from smoking, exposure to indoor air pollution from biomass fuel used for heating and cooking is also considered to be a culprit.

By 2030, COPD is estimated to be the third top cause of death worldwide. Further, nearly 90 percent of all COPD-related deaths happen in low- and middle-income countries.

Health authorities warn against the culprits of this condition, and one is long-term exposure to irritants. It is important to realize that such exposure is damaging to the lungs and significantly increases COPD risk.

These irritants include dust, pollution like car exhaust fumes, perfumes, hairsprays, and chemical fumes like those coming from strong cleaning products and paints.

Individuals who develop this condition usually suffer from shortness of breath and tiredness. It is worth realizing that this lung health issue requires extra effort to breathe. There are also other symptoms like chest pain and tightness.

Other symptoms to watch out for are coughing up blood, unintentional weight loss, and swelling in the lower legs. It may even lead to flare-ups that tend to worsen over time.

Due to the fact that individuals with COPD have improperly functioning lungs, they are more susceptible to chest infections like flu, cold, and pneumonia. 

Interestingly, there are many research studies nowadays that look into the therapeutic potential of certain natural ingredients. These include the use of an herb called Rhodiola Rosea, which is widely studied due to its strong medicinal properties.

In a study, individuals with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease were treated with 500 mg of Rhodiola per day for 3 months. It has been found that the treatment led to a significant increase in the lung capacity of the subjects by 14.5 percent compared to the placebo.

Some other studies reveal that the use of Rhodiola aided in significantly enhancing the amount of inhaled and exhaled air, which is called the tidal volume. What makes it even more beneficial is that it also improves the ability of the body to exhale carbon dioxide during an exercise test.

This particular exercise test conducted in the study is called maximum cardiopulmonary exercise.

Investigators recommend further studies to explore more of the COPD-fighting benefits of Rhodiola. Individuals who want to benefit from its lung-health effects may take into account the use of Divine Bounty Rhodiola Rosea (

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