Five Foods to Promote Good Health in Old Age

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( — November 2, 2022) — Age creeps up on all of us and for many unfortunately that brings with it ill health. The top five diseases affecting us in old age are arthritis, high blood pressure, heart disease, cancer, and cataracts. However, the good news is that we can reduce our risk of developing all of these by making some simple changes to what we eat. The sooner we can implement dietary changes toward healthy aging the better, though it’s never too late to make positive steps toward a healthier lifestyle. Here we look at five foods that when included regularly in our diet can maintain the health of our bones, heart, eyes, and overall body. A healthy diet is also important for every person. Learn more about eating healthy food and cooking tips on this dedicated website 4Thecure

Oily fish

If this doesn’t already feature on your weekly menu, now might be the time to start eating it more often. Fish such as mackerel, salmon, and sardines are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are linked to both heart and joint health. These fatty acids have not only been shown to reduce the stickiness of the blood – therefore reducing the risk of blood clot formation – but they can favorably influence other risk factors for heart disease; blood pressure can be lowered, levels of triglycerides (a type of fat in the blood) can be controlled and abnormalities in heart rhythm can be improved. Omega-3s also help to reduce inflammation within the body, which can be a causative factor in both heart disease and arthritis. We are all recommended to eat oily fish once each week, though anyone who has experienced a heart attack is advised to increase their intake to two or three portions weekly for optimal omega-3 intake.

Fruit and vegetables

We all know we should be eating more of this group of foods, but why exactly are they so good for us? As well as being low in calories, which helps us to prevent weight gain – a contributor towards arthritis, high blood pressure, heart disease, and certain cancers – fruit and vegetables are packed with antioxidants. These micronutrients play a role in protecting our cells – the building blocks that our bodies are made from – from damage, which is more likely with age and therefore are beneficial in terms of reducing the risk of developing heart disease and cancer. The Vitamins A, C, and E found in most fruit and vegetables can additionally benefit the health of our eyes. Meanwhile, potassium helps to control blood pressure, having the opposite effect of salt. Fruit and vegetables are also rich in fiber; soluble fiber helps to keep cholesterol in check to promote healthy blood vessels, while insoluble fiber helps to maintain digestive health and protect against colon cancer. The recommendations for how many fruit and vegetables we should eat each day vary from country to country – in the UK it is at least 5 portions daily and in Australia and Canada at least 7 daily. Are you interested in learning more about nutritional drinks and their nutritional facts? Visit our website eEntre Ches for complete information about all the nutritional foods and their cooking tips.


Wholegrains are cereal products that contain all three parts of the grain, two of which are removed during the processing to make the likes of white bread and white rice. Not only are wholegrains higher in fiber, but they are also richer in antioxidant vitamins and minerals, so a greater intake of wholegrains is linked to a reduced risk of heart disease and cancer. To increase our consumption of whole grains we should aim to eat three portions daily with a portion consisting of a slice of wholemeal or granary bread, one Weetabix, or 100g of cooked wholewheat pasta. Other whole grains include porridge, Bran flakes, brown rice, rye bread, and plain popcorn.


The life expectancy of people living in Japan is amongst the highest in the world and besides their high intake of fish, their consumption of soya is also thought to contribute towards their longevity. A daily intake of 25g of soya protein – equivalent to drinking 750ml of soya milk – has been shown to significantly lower cholesterol levels. Soya has also been linked with good bone health, with women in countries where dairy intake remains small but soya intake is high – such as China – have a relatively low incidence of osteoporosis. However, if you do wish to switch to soya in preference to dairy, choose the milk and yogurts which are fortified with calcium to maintain your intake of this bone-friendly mineral.

Brazil nuts

Our selenium intake – a mineral with antioxidant properties linked to good heart and eye health – is dependent on the area of the world in which we live; selenium is found in the soil and its content in foodstuffs is often low in areas that use intensive farming. However, Brazil nuts are very rich in selenium – just one Brazil nut will provide your recommended daily intake. Eating healthy food is good for children and old age health. Take a look at this website Foody Goody for more cooking tips.