Expert Day Trader Mentorship Network: Real Time Short Selling Streams Announced

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Day trading mentor network My Investing Club (MIC) announces a new series of live streams, offering a chance to observe successful professionals trading the markets in real time.

The upcoming events will be hosted by platform cofounders Alex Temiz and Bao Nguyen, who will demonstrate their proprietary trading processes, including short selling, risk management, and analysis of charts. The pair will share their screens and provide a running commentary, offering insights into the thoughts and techniques used by successful professional traders.

More details can be found at

MIC’s new live streams are part of an ongoing effort to improve professional education services for day traders. Members also have access to unlimited 1-on-1 mentorship and a library of on-demand training videos, designed to help more traders adopt the advanced techniques needed to become consistently profitable.

While many day traders consider short selling an essential skill, the potential for unlimited losses also makes it a high-risk approach. Professional traders, such as hedge fund managers, use sophisticated techniques developed over many years.

As the founders of MIC explain, many beginners lose money when attempting short selling because they haven’t had an opportunity to learn more advanced techniques. The team developed their processes with the benefit of more than 15 years’ combined experience, and the new live streams are designed to demonstrate the use of those skills in real world trading.

“MIC provides professional day trading education for those who want to take trading seriously,” the company’s founders explained. “When we first started, we wished there was someone to help us. So, we set out to build the benchmark trading community to help new and struggling traders find success, and ultimately, total financial freedom.”

About MIC

Alex Temiz and Bao Nguyen are verified millionaire day traders, with individual single-day records of $660,000 and $1.4 million, respectively. The pair established MIC in 2018, and the community has since grown to encompass a global following of more than 2,000 members.

“I just want to thank Alex and Bao for creating MIC. I don’t know where I’d be without them,” one member recently stated. “I’m still a newbie, but I studied hard, and it’s finally paying off. I’ve just had my first four-figure day, and it’s may best day ever.”

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