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( January 11, 2013) Tampa, FL-  Some jobs are just plain old difficult and never ending when it comes to problem solving.  IT services and computer repair certainly rank up there when it comes to frustration levels for the IT professionals.  MSR Technologies is a managed IT service company in Tampa, Florida that makes it almost like a game when it comes to trying to out guess or figure out new technological puzzles. 

There is no lack of curiosity when it comes to this business.  Taking parts and computer pieces apart and putting them back together again are a normal part of the daily life of MSR’s technicians.  But how about when there are programs that one has never interfaced with or seen?  How does a technician lead the race while trying to run with the crowd at the same time? 

Having seen this team of professional IT repair guys at work, it is quite a mastery at work.  It honestly does appear to be more like play than work.  Sometimes there are mini competitions that are set up to make it like a race through the clock to find the treasure.  MSR computer repair people have all been put through the curiosity test that is required before one can qualify to work in such a competitive environment. 

Shane Robin, the founder and owner of MSR Technologies came from an automotive background which enjoys the similar type of fix it mentality as an IT repair guy.  His childhood curiosity led him into the business of not ever being comfortable with textbook knowledge.  It was that knowledge that taught him how to stay focused and never tire of not knowing 100% of anything. 

For a cool IT repair experience where they put the fun back in the business, contact Shane Robin of MSR Technologies at:   (813) 868-1129