John Bergman – Voted Best Small Business Marketing Coach In 2012 In San Diego, CA

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(  — January 28, 2013) San Diego, CA — One owner stated that, “I have worked with other small business marketing coaches in San Diego and John is the first one that approached me about a small business marketing strategy, not just promising first page of Google or offering SEO.”

John stated that, “Internet marketing for small business has changed dramatically over the past 2 years as Google continues to try to wring out the strategy of throwing content online that builds links, but offers very little valuable content that is meaningful to the reader. Google’s goal seems to clearly be to make sure that the internet visitor is seeing value in content that is on a website. In real estate we’ve always been told its location, location, location. For Google its value, value, value.”

John’s approach is different in that he doesn’t believe that getting your website on the first page of Google is the only local small business marketing idea you should go for. There are only so many spots on Google’s first page and getting there can be very competitive and very expensive. Other ideas include Video Marketing, including customer testimonials, Social Media Marketing, Reputation Marketing, Press Releases, etc. In his book, “Why Most Small Business Marketing Fails” John points out that the best small business marketing strategy is a balanced approach. You can get a copy of his small EBook for FREE Click Here:

Most small business owners overlook their current customers. Your customers and your relationship with them is your best source of new business. It starts with your reputation with them and gives you the chance for repeat business and referrals. A happy customer or client will be more likely to give you repeat business and refer friends and relatives to your business.

Your best small business marketing strategy is to begin by setting your goals. It has to be more than simply getting more business so be specific. Next evaluate what you’re currently doing for marketing and determine whether it is working or not. If you can’t clearly measure your results, you have a problem. You should be able to clearly see your return on investment. Don’t just blindly follow along with what your small business marketing coach tells you without measuring the results you’re getting.

Build a small business marketing strategy that meets your goals and can be tracked for results and can give you a good return on investment. Your small business marketing strategy has one purpose, to get more business. For more information visit: or call John Bergman at 619-993-1771