Portland Boot Camp Owner Battles Women's Weight Loss Myths

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(newswire.net — March, 12, 2013) Portland, OR — It comes as no surprise that myths abound in the women’s weight loss industry.  In a January 13th, 2013 NYTimes.com blog article, research scientists discussed fact vs. fiction regarding dropping pounds. 

Rockefeller University obesity researcher, Dr. Jeffrey M. Friedman, said: “In my view there is more misinformation pretending to be fact in this field than in any other I can think of.”

Fitness consultant and Portland Adventure Boot Camp for Women founder, Daniel Iversen, read the article and says, after almost 20 years in the industry, he couldn’t agree more. “The fact is, the diet industry is rife with fraud, with hucksters out to make a quick buck selling fat loss scams.”, said Mr. Iversen. “It makes it challenging for legitimate trainers because people are led to believe body fat loss doesn’t require effort.”

Mr. Iversen offers a scientifically designed, women’s fitness program in Portland, Oregon, which he says does require effort.  From the website: “Yes, Portland Boot Camp requires effort. But it’s fun and it really works. For women ready to bet on themselves, the results can last a lifetime.”

For the last 7 years, his clients have apparantly agreed.  One client, Jen M. Smith said, “40 pounds and 6 pants sizes smaller I’m still going because I love it so much, and I feel great.”

When asked why he ran a weight loss boot camp, Mr. Iversen said he was tired of fitness programs which relied on fad diets and un-integrated workout protocols. To offer a rational alternative, he started Portland Boot Camp in 2006.  “It’s fun and it really works!”, said Iversen, “Even my wife attends.”.

While his wife my be biased, overwhelmingly positive feedback about his program can be found on websites like Google and Yelp. It appears the scientists in the NY Times article and Coach Daniel Iversen agree on the facts: fitness myths flood the media but science provides the proven solution for long-term body fat loss.

For more information about Portland Adventure Boot Camp visit their website http://www.portlandbootcamp.com or call (503)-946-8709


Portland Adventure Boot Camp
1606 NE 37th Ave.
Portland, OR 97206