Family Law Attorney Orlando Launches New Site

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( — May 6th, 2013) Orlando, FL– Howard Iken is a family law attorney that practices in central Florida. In his family law practice he has to address many different issues from several different angles.

His family law practice includes addressing issues such as divorce law, child custody, child support issues, alimony, asset division etc.

It should be noted that Howard is not a solo practitioner but he has his five other attorneys in the firm of which he is a partner.

Not only do their firm offer a variety of  family law services, but Howard also conducts free seminars and he writes loads of free articles to help potential clients, as well as others, understand various areas of family law.

As a matter of fact it could be said that they give away more information for free than most attorneys give away when they are actually being compensated.

Mr. Iken points out that they believe at their firm that a knowledgeable client is a better client, and that the expertise of an attorney is not proved by hiding  facts.

The new website that has recently been set up for potential clients to reach Orlando family law attorney, Howard Iken, is . The website provides direct access to any of the attorneys at the firm. A potential client can reach the firm by calling the number at the website, or by entering their information in the form at the website.

The attorneys urge that if you are in need of a family law attorney in Orlando, or in the surrounding areas, do not hesitate to pick up the phone and call the number. In fact, they can be reached at: 407-203-9377.

  If you would like to visit the new site just click family law attorney  Orlando. You can also call and ask to speak to an attorney to help clear up any initial issues that you may have in a potential family law case.




 Family Law Attorney Orlando      

7651 Ashley Park Court Suite 411

Orlando, FL 32835 
