Everyday Dangers Lurking in Your Home

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(Newswire.net — September 14, 2013) Portland, OR 

Most of the chemicals come from building supplies and cleaning products. But what about the VOC’s in paint or the formaldehyde found in manmade ‘wooden’ floors give off? Even sheet rock can give off nasty dust particles of that white chalky stuff it’s made out of.

One solution could be to buy an older home, so all these things have off-gassed or gone away. Then again you may be borrowing trouble with old lead paint and asbestos.

Green built homes fare a little better. They are built with an eye to the environmental impact of the building products. In some instances that corresponds to the health impacts as well.

Once you are in your home you don’t have much choice about what it is made from.

But, every day choices are made about what we use to fill our home with in the way of furnishings and cleaning products. Those flame resistant chemicals that the government insists on being used in furnishings, textiles and baby clothing have been shown to cause anything from cancer to hormonal problems to birth defects. The majority of homes tested had levels of at least one chemical in excess of federal safety standards. Evidence indicates that those safety levels are set way too high.

TCEP and TDCIPP (also known as chlorinated Tris) are known as chlorinated organophosphates, and it was these that were found in highest levels. Both are known carcinogens. They are closely related to TDBPP (brominated Tris) was banned from children’s pajamas in 1977 because it is known to damage DNA and cause mammary (breast) tumors in animals. It is still being used in other household products.

The World Health Organization has labeled a group of chemicals as endocrine disruptors. This group includes Bisphenol-A (BPA), and its replacement BPS, PCB’s, phthalates and agricultural pesticides. These are found in Plastic water bottles, Tooth sealants, Plastic gallon milk bottles, Canned foods and soda cans (most have plastic lining in the cans), Plastic microwavable plates, ovenware, and utensils, and Baby toys, bottles, pacifiers, and sippy cups, Processed food packaging, Lubricant and adhesives, Hoses, Detergents, Raincoats, Beauty products like nail polish, hair spray, shampoo, deodorants, and fragrances, Shower curtains, Cosmetics, Vinyl flooring and wall coverings, and Toys.

Other chemicals that have been found harmful are perfluorinated chemicals (PFOAs), which are found in nonstick cookware. These have been shown to increase your chances of developing cancer, birth defects and thyroid disease. Formaldehyde is used as embalming fluid. In the home it can be found in fabrics to give them a variety of “easy care properties” as well as being a common component of pressed-wood products. Formaldehyde has been shown to cause cancer in animals, and may cause cancer in humans. Other common adverse health effects include fatigue, skin rashes, and allergic reactions.

Here are some more simple ideas;

  • Use glass instead of plastic
  • Avoid plastic wrap and canned foods
  • Drink filtered water out of glass containers
  • Avoid artifical air fresheners, dryer sheets, fabric softeners and other synthetic fragrances
  • Replace non-stick pots and pans with glass or ceramic cookware
  • Replace vinyl shower curtains with fabric
  • Avoid pesticides or insect repellants that contain DEET

There are safe, effective and natural alternatives out there.

Enriching Gifts of Oregon

11118 NE Halsey
Portland,OR 97220
