FB Cash Study Evolved Due To Demand For Facebook Ads & Marketing Tips

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(Newswire.net — October 11, 2013)  — Facebook advertising and understanding how to place a Facebook ad is becoming a much needed commodity for using Facebook for business, says Chris Blair – co-creator of a new course called FB Cash Study.


With over 1.2 billion people with a Facebook account, Facebook has become a very popular social media website. Its were a lot of eyeballs end up everyday. According to WikipediaFacebook popularity has increased from just a million in 2004 to over 750 million in 2011 and now 1.2 billion in 2013.


“This is why so many people are wanting to know how to do Facebook advertising correctly. Whether they are selling t-shirts, dog stuff, or using Facebook for business there is a strong demand for training” says, Chris.


“Many folks have tried to do some sort of Facebook advertising and have placed an ad in Facebook or numerous ads in Facebook only to see no results and a hefty fee at the end of it,” says Blair.


Chris said, “FB Cash Study was created by gathering 12 students who were willing to be mentored and be a part of this program. We then recorded 12 sessions with each student going through everything step by step showing how to place an ad or multiple ads in Facebook as well as covering numerous other Facebook marketing tips.”


“After doing a lot of research online and looking at what other courses were out there by other Facebook marketers, we realized that no one was really showing in detail what to do with Facebook ads, setting up campaigns and using Facebook for business,” said Blair.


“We have more or less been accosted by frustrated Facebook marketers who have been demanding that we give up our private coaching on doing Facebook ads the right way and all the Facebook marketing tips that goes with it,” said Matt Stefanik – co-creator of FB Cash Study with Chris Blair.


“As we charge $1000 a an hour for private coaching and as there is only so many students that we can personally take on – this was the reason for creating FB Cash Study, to cater to the growing demand of requests from other Facebook marketers wanting to know what we knew after years of doing it ourselves,” said Blair.


FB Cash Study is 12 hours of over the shoulder video lessons of Blair and Stefanik working directly with their students. Teaching how to do Facebook advertising, placing a Facebook ad or ads, setting up campaigns, etc.

The FB Cash Study course is to be released Tuesday October 29th at 11:00 AM EST. Early birds will get it at $37 before it goes up to $97 after the launch period.


For more information about FB Cash Study watch the Google Hangout interview with Chris Blair.


FB Cash Study: Facebook Ads and Facebook Advertising Tips – Interview with Chris Blair




Author: Tony Peaccok +

Company: Market 2 Mobiles

email: tony@market2mobiles.com

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In addition to building mobile websites Tony also reports on trending technology, marketing trends and social media including press releases in Russian.