Heaven’s Family Serves Poor Christians WorldWide With 24 Focused Charitable Funds

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(Newswire.net — November 8, 2013) Pittsburgh, PA — Heaven’s Family is a unique charitable organization like no other.  It was founded in 2002 by David and Becky Servant with a mission to equip Christian leaders and serve the poor in the world’s most impoverished nations.  Their name, Heaven’s Family, echos, that they are a family show their love for Jesus Christ through serving one another.  Heaven’s Family is comprised not just of the ministry personnel, but additionally consists of each and every donor and beneficiary. 


By way of Heaven’s Family, people that are blessed with more may share their blessings, meeting the urgent needs of the members of their Heavenly family throughout the world that have significantly less. With this God is glorified and they prove their faith in Jesus Christ.


A unique approach of “Focused Funds” allows donors to be able to pick exactly what projects and where their donations are sent.  Heaven’s Family is unique in that 100% of the donation is given to the receipients without anything taken out for administrative fees.  Focused Funds serve poor Christians that are struggling with far more overwhelming challenges than poverty, for instance natural disasters, unsafe drinking water, hunger, orphanhood, persecution, physical handicaps, widowhood, and illness just to name a few.


This month founder David Servant pointed out an incredibly shocking story about how between 2008 and 2011, twelve public charities, which includes the Kids Wish Network, American Breast Cancer Foundation, and the American Foundation for Disabled Children, retained a telemarketing solicitation company known as Community Support which raised on their behalf a combined total of $33 million-and billed them $29.8 million to get it done, keeping 90.4% of what they raised. So, out of $33 million which was given away by the contributors, only $3.2 million went to those twelve charities.  Sadly most people don’t know that the majority of their contributions to big organizations never make it to the intended recipients.


Contributors to Heaven’s Family Focused Funds can rest assured that 100% of their donation is going to the exact people and cause that they intended it to go to.  To offset administrative costs much of the staff of Heaven’s Family volunteer their time, however there are still several costs which cannot be covered through volunteering efforts.  This is why they have setup a general fund that people can give to that goes towards the total operational and adminstrative costs.


Earlier this month Heaven’s Family received some incredible news that some very generous people are making possible an end-of-the-year matching-gift challenge of $110,000 to to their general fund.  Because of this each and every donation to the general fund throughout the year’s end is going to be doubled, up to and including a cumulative total of $110,000.  The hope is to raise an extra $110,000 for the general fund before the years end so that they can receive the full matching total giving their general fund a total of $220,000 to start the new year off with.


Thousands of people are blessed each year by the work done by Heaven’s Family and the Focused Funds will continue to deliver 100% of the funds donated.  Any interested in contributing to the $110,000 end of the year goal or to any focused fund may do so here https://www.heavensfamily.org/donate.