What do Quantum Entanglement, Ace Ventura, Birthdays and 2014 Share?

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(Newswire.net — December 27, 2013)  — Thomas Shadyac is a director.  He has directed many very successful movies including Liar Liar, Bruce Almighty, Ace Ventura and the documentary I Am.  He is very well known as a comedian, director, screenwriter, producer and occasionally as an actor.


Einstein called quantum entanglement “spooky action at a distance”.  Quantum physics or quantum mechanics is a branch of physics dealing with the very, very small. There are many parts of this that have entered the mainstream or close to mainstream such as particle/wave duality and Schrödinger’s cat. 


The impact of quantum physics on our modern technology is immense.


Things from transistors to lasers to quantum computers come out of applications of quantum physics. Our common GPS systems are really ultrafast clocks which are an application of these principles. 


There are many great thinkers of our time that have a similar message.


Einstein stated it in many ways including


“We shall require a substantially new manner of thinking if mankind is to survive.”

“We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.”


Thomas Shadyac had a profound life transforming experience.


He almost died. It was not the NDE or near death experience of walking into the light but a long painful descent. In this descent he began to question all that he knew and believed. His documentary “I Am” is his journey that turned out to be our journey. In this he talked with many that are on the new frontiers of consciousness. He learned about our interconnectness and entanglement. 


His documentary “I AM” is for all.


In his exploration he found many scientists, world leaders, explorers, Institute of Noetic Science and many more that are participating in, studying and exploring what is being called “The Shift” As I, the author of this article, have also been exploring consciousness and humans evolving for over 35 years many of the people are familiar to me and may be too you as well.


As with him we find transformation happening to people globally.


It is happening faster and is paralleling science, in particular quantum physics. The documentary of his transformation “I Am” is available on Netflix, DVD and theatres. it is a work for all to see. It brings this together in a way only a master filmmaker could do.


The birth of new era of new consciousness.


Just as quantum physics is bringing us products beyond the imagination of science fiction writers we appear to be at the birth of a new time for humans. The idea of quantum entanglement shows an interconnectness that is beyond what we can currently understand or can explain but we can use. Quantum computers use quantum entanglement. There are theories that are brain also uses quantum entanglement. More and more we see proof of interconnectness not just between people but in everything.  


Ideas are the beginning.


Actions are the next step. What often stops usis the overwhelming nature of what we imagine and yet all around us are projects that are overwhelming yet done. In the movie it is proposed we can all do something. Often that something is right in front of us. 


Something we all have in common.


We have many things in common and we have differences. If appears the differences are taking care of themselves. It came to me that to me that we all have in common that we were born. We all have birthdays each year. We all know what birthdays are. We have that in common no matter our race, language, gender, age, religion, political beliefs, biases, nationality or any other differences.  


Let’s celebrate 2014 with The Birthday Project.


Being born goes back to the beginning of life and we even use the term for the beginning of anything. My wife Susan L Arnold is having her 60th birthday on March 20th. She is also a Psychology graduate student. Susan has always done everything for everyone to celebrate birthdays. She has said that birthdays is when we celebrate how special that person is. Let’s celebrate.


2014 is a time for the birth of new actions.


In looking for an action in 2014 it came to me that this would be a good time to celebrate birthdays. Everyday there are about 16,438,356 birthdays. No one gets through the year without one even those born on February 29th.


Famous people are ackowledged, some people will have parties and some will sit alone. I would like to give birth to the Susan L Arnold Birthday Project and Foundation in honor of the person that I know values birthday celebrations for all no matter who they are. They are valued and important and deserve to have their day.  


Celebrating a birthday connects at the heart level.


Every time we connect on some basic heart level with others we, and they, change. By seeing that, we at a very basic level share being birth and life. As life goes on we all have birthdays. More consciously clebrating that just may be one of many elements that bring about the shift they talk about in “I Am”


I am asking for help..


I am asking for others with birthdays, you know who you are, who share in wanting our world to be more loving, kind and compassionate to help me and join in this celebration. If you want to know if you qualify, then you need only ask yourself this question “Do I have a birthday?” If yes, then you are qualified. I have no idea how this will unfold but..


Let’s make 2014 the best year the planet has ever had.


Let’s make 2014 the year the future will see as the year the new era was born. I am asking for your help. You can help by please sharing this article and watching the movie.


You can contact me at:


John K Arnold

Email: the.sla.birthdayproject@gmail.com