PBS Film Maker of Smoking Fish Writes Book How to Smoke Salmon

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(Newswire.net — December 28, 2013) Juneau, Alaska — Cory Mann / Gutchquena (American Indian name), director of the multi-award winning PBS documentary Smokin’ Fish, takes a break from his world tour to write the first companion book of a trilogy to his film called “How to Smoke Salmon: an American Indian Guide to Smoking Salmon.” Like his film this first book in the series is a comedy about smoking salmon. The real difference is this book is a more hands-on approach to smoking salmon – a practical Indian guide to smoking fish in Alaska. Although it can be applied to any place around the world the practice of smoking salmon in his book takes place in Alaska and walks the reader through friendly raiding of Indian smoke houses and getting away with it. His book also discusses the flavors lent by different types of wood as well as offering amazing, fun recipes of how to prepare and eat your smoked salmon.


Throughout the world movie tour audiences clamoured for more of the movie often asking when the second film would be coming out. Audiences wanting more kept asking if there was more to see about Mr. Mann’s film and what else he might have “in the works.” They often asked for smoked salmon and not only how they could get their hands on some but how they could make their own. The movie left viewers wanting more with far more questions the movie did not answer or as Mr. Mann puts it, “where the movie falls short.” The next movie will attempt to answer those questions with the same kind of humor that viewers loved in the first one.


Mr. Mann said he wanted the film to address the idea of how to smoke salmon so American Indians or as he says, “Alaska Natives,” could learn from the film and smoke salmon themselves. He said it was shocking that so many people in his own family did not know how to smoke salmon. He said there simply was no way to show people how to smoke salmon in a short film. Thus Mr. Mann is offering his how-to guide in this first book.


Mr. Mann said he enjoys being engaged with his audience and said his book will be free for everyone to download in eBook format on Amazon beginning December 28, 2013 for 5 days ending the free period January 1, 2014 – ironically right on his birthday, January 1. When asked why it ended on his birthday he exclaimed that it was his day off. He offered no date when his next book in the series was coming out or more importantly when his next film was coming out. He mentioned he was working hard on the next script and trying to put forward to the public and fans the idea of, “How the Indian Boy Got his Name.” He said this was also looking to be another comedy and a companion to the first movie, “…but nothing was carved in stone.” His new book can be found on Amazon.com here: How to Smoke Salmon. Mr. Mann currently owns Juneau Marketing, an online marketing company and Whale Watch Alaska, a whale watching company based in Juneau, Ak.




Media Contact: Cory Mann / Gutchquena – Author

Email: akyummysalmon@gmail.com

Phone: (907) 321-2853

Website: JuneauMarketing.com


 By Cynthia Nodland, a freelance writer where more of her work can be found on Google +.


How to Smoke Salmon: An American Indian Guide to Smoking Salmon

3701 Amalga St.
Juneau, Alaska 99801
