Scott Tucker Rides From Miami To NYC

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( — March 22, 2014) Miami, Florida — Miami resident Scott Tucker announced earlier this week that he wil be emabarking on a ride of over 1000 miles from Miami, Florida to New York City. Tucker made his plans public a few days ago in an effort to get interested people to follow his blog and social media accounts that will document the detail of his ride.


“This is going to be a big challenge for me,” said Scott Tucker, “But plenty of people have completed rides like this and even longer ones in the past, so I’m fully confident that I’ll make it.”


Tucker commented that although he knows that the ride can be done, there is no way of knowing what obstacles he may face along the way, and he is not sure how he will handle the distance and the commitment psychologically.


“Dealing with the time alone and facing the long distances is the real ‘X’ factor for me,” said Scott Tucker. “I’ve been training hard this past year, so I’m good to go physically, but this is my first attempt at something like this, so it’s the mental aspect that’s really unknown.”


Scott Tucker will be updating various social media accounts and his personal blog throughout the trip. According to Tucker, the ride from Miami to New York City is in preparation for many more longer and more challenging rides.


“The plan is to tackle some more exotic rides and build up an audience. I want to publish a book about traveling and cycling,” says Tucker.


Scott Tucker will depart from Miami, Florida as soon as spring weather breaks in the Northeast corridor.