Foreclosures, Dow Jones and Obama Scandals

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( — April 22, 2014)  — Foreclosures, Dow Jones and Obama scandals jar Americans to the point of dismay and disillusionment. Local forecloser specialist, Peter Greijn, expresses his thoughts on foreclosed homes in Raleigh.


Presently, America is facing dilemmas in various sectors. Foreclosure stories continue in the news, escalating shakiness on Wall Street (Dow Jones) is being reported, and the Obama Administration scandals keep rearing their ugly heads. Perceptions of institutional instability are making the people of America more and more uncertain about their futures, and how to make sense of these issues, in order to move on with theirs lives. 


According to Bloomberg News, “The surge in court foreclosure filings, which began to gain steam in December and accelerated in the first quarter, may be part of new market assessments by banks as investors prepare for higher mortgage rates.” Agreeing with the assessment, Raleigh Foreclosed Homes Specialist, Peter Greijn says, “I’ve seen many banks remain extra cautious and use the court systems to clear up, even hint of, title issues which adds to the difficulty in processing foreclosures in North Carolina. Delays of up to two years keeps houses from being put back on the market, renovated and re-occupied, which restores value to them and their surrounding neighborhoods. And, historically higher interest rates tend slow the purchasing of homes, while placing a negative pressure on sales prices.”


Regarding the Stock Market, “No matter where you look, the market looks overpriced, overbought, and overextended. Traditional valuation metrics put the 12 months S&P 500 forward price-to-earnings multiple (PE) at 16 and the Russell 2000 small cap index PE at 20.” says Valentin Schmid of the Epoch Times. The present market’s record highs, though touted by our government as an indicator of their policy success, are we seeing true industry growth, or is it an artificial, or speculative, bubble? The fact remains, many are leery that the Dow Jones is standing on a ‘house of cards’.


And with respect to President Obama, many Americans are still awaiting the whole truth regarding the IRS targeting tea party assemblies for too much scrutiny during the past election cycle. When Barack was asked regarding the scandals about the IRS during the pre Super Bowl dialogue with Bill O’ Reilly, he blamed the Fox network for bringing them out in the open. Obama said that the congressional hearing vindicated him as well as his administration of some blame and said that the story was not a big issue.


“These kinds of things keep surfacing in part because you and your TV station will promote them,” according to President Obama. He accredited the IRS’s aiming of tea-party assemblies to “boneheaded options” and guaranteed Bill O’Reilly that there was “not a smidgeon of corruption” in the agency.


Yet, questions remain, and these latest controversies do greatly affect ordinary American citizens. Where are the people of America heading? It is everyone’s right to know the issues, as it helps them to plan, save, purchase and prepare for the future. And for the Government, they must take significant steps in order to safeguard the country, care for its people, defend the rights of its citizens, and protect itself from its true enemies, both foreign and domestic, under any circumstances.






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