Do Men Go Through Menopause? Author Reveals The Top 7 Symptoms of Male Menopause

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( — April 22, 2014)  Phoenix, Arizona — Do men go through menopause?  Yes, according to Brady Howard, author of the recently-released book “Andropause: The Complete Male Menopause Guide.” 


The revolutionary new book reveals a little known, but highly-effective male menopause treatment plan that’s helping men around the world successfully combat Andropause symptoms and feel young again without prescription drugs or testosterone replacement therapy.


Studies reported by researchers at Northwestern Memorial Hospital in Chicago estimate that approximately five (5) million men in the United States alone are affected by Andropause, often referred to as “male menopause, man-o-pause or male hypogonadism.” 

Unfortunately, there’s a great deal of unawareness and confusion about male menopause which is primarily caused by Low Testosterone (T) levels in men. Low T is a real medical condition which should be taken seriously as is detailed in Brady’s new book.


The signs and symptoms of male menopause vary and may not always be apparent, and many men experiencing the effects of Low T write them off as a part of the aging process, or the result of being under much stress.


The Top 7 Male Menopause Symptoms List includes the following issues:


1. Are you suffering from memory loss, feeling sad and/or irritable?


2. Have you noticed a decrease in libido (sex drive)?


3. Do you have a decrease in strength and/or endurance?


4. Do you no longer enjoy life as much as you used to?


5. Do you always feel sleepy after eating meals?


6. Do you lack energy and often feel lethargic?


7. Are your erections less strong?


Brady says “All guys aged 40 years old or older, who are suffering from one or more of these male menopause symptoms should consider seeking further information about their condition.  Unfortunately, the symptoms will gradually worsen over time if left unchecked.”


Brady believes that most men could safely boost their testosterone levels and mitigate male menopause symptoms by following his cutting-edge treatment plan, which doesn’t require costly testosterone hormone replacement therapy (HRT) or having to take prescription drugs/injections, or use topical gels; all of which can lead to some dangerous side effects.


“Here’s what I’ve learned over the years; you can combat health conditions such as Low T relatively easily… however, you must first have a clear understanding of what you’re dealing with before deciding on a treatment option(s).  Arm yourself with correct information from credible sources, confer with your doctor, and then take appropriate action… the quality of your health depends on it” the author says.


Mr. Howard currently offers “Andropause: The Complete Male Menopause Guide” on which can be purchased by clicking here.


For information about other symptoms male menopause visit his website listed below.



