Simply Magical Documentary Debuts In Hometown Theater Laemmle’s Pasadena Playhouse 7

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( — August 4, 2014) Los Angeles — Award winning filmmaker Darla Rae(McConnell) is a 1976 graduate of Azusa High School, was born in Los Angeles and spent her first few years in Pasadena, but grew up in Azusa returns to her old stomping grounds to debut her new inspirational documentary “Simply Magical, Tearing Down Walls.”


“Simply Magical, Tearing Down Walls” is a documentary that champions the underdog. This is a common thread for the films that Rae tends to make. “I feel like everyone is an underdog at some point in their life. So why not encourage those of us who are. I believe my purpose is to help, promote and inspire others through film.” said Rae


The film is about a group of performers in their fourth decade who continue to face their fears and show us why you can’t put them or musical theater in a box. “Simply Magical” chronicles 31 years of a volunteer theater company which blends the unique talents of professionals, amateurs, and members from the special needs community who are the true shining stars. Disabilities represented in the film reads like the old Jack Benny joke, “Everything from A-Z in the USA. Many of the special needs performers have Down syndrome, Autism, Cerebral Palsy and Traumatic Brain Injury just to name a few.


“Simply Magical is a heartfelt documentary that reminds us all that anything is possible as long as we believe. A must see inspirational film.”-Lynette Elliott-Assoc. Editor San Francisco Magazine.


Darla said, “It’s true I was born in Los Angeles and spent my first few years in Pasadena at my grandmothers and then we moved to Azusa where I grew up. When I first saw a Magic Moments production in 2004 in Denver Colorado, I knew I wanted to make a documentary about the tremendous work of over 300 volunteers and the impact they have on people’s lives. I remember sitting in the theater and watching the sold out audiences react. Many times through tears and laughter they are speechless. They don’t want to leave because the connection to something special is like no other. I realized then that I wanted to make their connection to world.”


The film opens August 22-28, 2014 in Pasadena California. Check the website for show times at

Director, Producer, Darla Rae will be on hand for a discussion Q&A following the show opening on Friday August 22nd.For more information on the film and Darla Rae visit or  

For additional information on Magic Moments visit

For interviews contact: Publicist Jennifer Seeley at or 323-522-4179


Film It Productions

2020 E. 16th Ave.
Denver, CO United States 80206
