“Help Bring Alex Home” Fundraising Campaign Needs More Help

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(Newswire.net — October 1, 2014) New York, NY — A brand new fundraising campaign has been recently set up and is rapidly starting to gain steam to help bring Alex Lopez home http://www.gofundme.com/helpbringalexhome. In a little more then just 30 days Alex, a deeply caring family man and father of a little 6-year old boy will should find out whether he will get to stay in his home state of Florida or whether he will be deported back to Guatemala, a country he has not lived in in 21 years. This horrific event that totally has spiraled out of control has rocked his family partially because Alex is the breadwinner and therefore everyone has been severely affected.

Alex has been shockingly held in a detainment facility since August 6th after trying to reenter the United States immediately after a brief trip to visit his family members in Guatemala. His case is especially perplexing because Alex’s detainment is currently based on two misdemeanor charges that took place 15 years ago while he was in college. Time for those two charges was already served whereby he performed community service for both and which ultimately led to his career of being an award winning teacher in the Brevard County school district in Florida.

Justin Mandel, an old friend of his from college who has known Alex for nearly 20-years had this to say about this situation, “This has been a real nightmare for everyone, but mostly I would imagine for his 6-year old son who is totally attached at Alex’s hip. Alex just so happens to be one of the best fathers I have ever seen and his son soaks him up whenever he is around him. Given the extremely close nature of their relationship I am positive that even while enduring what is likely horrible conditions in this detainment facility that Alex’s thoughts are with his son.

Personally for me I just can’t imagine the ramifications of what would happen if Alex is deported for what very clearly seems to be totally trumped up charges by the prosecutors office. To be held on charges stemming back 15 years ago is insane and one way or another there must be justice for him. The bottom line is that he should be instantly released and immediately allowed to return back home to Florida and be reunited with his son and family.

It has been really great to see all of the contributions that have poured in from all over in support of Alex’s legal case, but there’s still a ways to go and every single dollar donated is deeply appreciated and will really help. Because this situation has been a major burden on his family money needs to be raised for his legal case as well as other expenses like child support for his son and groceries for Alex’s father”.

To discover more about Alex’s plight and to help contribute to his legal case to help bring him home please go to http://www.gofundme.com/helpbringalexhome





About AcuPublicity

This press release is here to serve as information on Alex Jeffrey Lopez (Ortiz) who is being detained in Texas on trumped up charges that will determine his eligibility to stay here in the United States where he has lived for the past 21 years. Alex is a family man and father to a little 6-year old boy and is the breadwinner for his family. Alex is a caring community leader and award winning teacher.


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