Scott Tucker Helps Re-Open Community Pool

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( — December 18, 2014)  — Hillsborough, North Carolina — Scott Tucker, owner of Smart and Fast Grocery, is working to renovate and re-open the local pool. Largely self-funded, the project has also been supported by both the public and business community.

“The Swanson Community Pool has been closed for several years due to heavy storm damage from hurricane Irene,” said Tucker. “Unfortunately a lot of people had their homes and property damaged so the pool was not high on the town’s priority list and rightly so. But it’s been three years and people have been asking why it hasn’t been repaired yet.”

Damage from the storm included major sections of the bathrooms and changing rooms, along with the pool itself. The condition of the pool was deemed unsafe following Hurricane Irene, but if all goes according to plan, the pool will be restored. The auxiliary pool building will be upgraded, and the storm damage to the pool itself will be fixed.

Budgetary restraints had forced Scott Tucker and the community to push their case harder than usual. Tucker himself has submitted two petitions signed by almost everyone in the area. He appears at all municipal board meetings to assure the board members the issue will not be forgotten.

The latest vote was cast in the communities’ favor, giving them the necessary permits and remaining funds for finishing the project.

“We have put a lot of effort into this so it is really satisfying to see it finally pay off,” says Kevin Young, a friend of Scott Tucker. “The pool is something that brought a lot of us together and it has been sincerely missed. We’re just looking to bring back something positive for us that was taken away.”

Before the pool was damaged in 2011, it was home to many community recreation activities. Swimming lessons for children and adults were held daily, along with water aerobics for seniors, lap swimming, and kayaking practice. When the pool is re-opened, these activities will once again be available for all community members. Admission for classes will remain at the same rates, while membership rates and class cards will be slightly changed.

Membership and registration will be available on the municipal website and several locations in town including Tucker’s store. The pool will re-open for the summer season in 2015.

By Maiza Rein

About Scott Tucker

Scott Tucker is a business man and entrepreneur based out of Montpelier, VT. He has owned and operated the Smart and Fast Grocery store in the center of town for the past 16 years. His experience also includes the founding of Help Out!, a community outreach programs for the local homeless, and the organization of several charity fundraisers throughout the year. He resides with his wife Gloria and two daughters, Bonnie and Georgina.