Premium Baby Car Shade Blocks 97% Harmful UV Rays

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( — February 20, 2015) Sanford, FL — Babies are highly susceptible to harmful damage from UV rays while traveling in a car during the daytime. According to Baby Center, “UV rays can damage the skin at all times of day, all year round, even in the middle of winter.  And a baby’s thinner, more delicate skin is especially vulnerable.”


“Children should not be getting sunburned at any age, especially since there are a range of very effective sun protection methods that can used,” said Perry Robins, MD, President, The Skin Cancer Foundation. “Parents need to be extra vigilant about sun protection all the time.”


This specific baby car shade provides up to 97% or protection from harmful UV rays.  The sun shade is designed to be mounted on the car window where the baby sits.  The company ensured that parents can fully protect their children by providing two sun shades in one package, that allow parents to block the windows on both sides.  The sun shade also reduces the intensity of the heat that enters the car.  The baby car shade also has a unique design that it does not use standard suction cups, but instead it sticks to the car windows by static electricity.  This is a great benefit for parents so they don’t have to worry about losing suction cups, or the suction cups not working.


One Amazon customer, Britney McCombs, shared, “I love these shades!  They take virtually no effort to install in your car.  I also love that they come with two in a package.  The quality of these sun shades are far better than the mesh ones you find in stores.   With the dark tint of these shades, baby’s eyes are sure to be protected from the bright sun while riding in the car!”


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Monika’s Marketplace

Monika’s Marketplace is a company that prides itself in high quality, practical, and affordable products for the home and family.  Their baby car shade is made to provide full protection of babies and worry free from the heat that may cause skin illness. This baby car shade can be found on