Perfect Size Toy Hammock Passes 100 Five Star Amazon Customer Evaluations

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( — March 6, 2015) Las Vegas, NV — The Freddie and Sebbie toy hammock has been trading on Amazon for under 9 months, and has now been accredited with a total of 102 perfect score evaluations, from a total of 114, providing this deluxe jumbo toy hammock storage organizer a typical 4.8 star quality rating. Company representative, Neil Speight, has said that the company is delighted with the preliminary response from customers. He added… “This toy storage organizer hasn’t even been on Amazon for a year yet, and we have already had such an unbelievable response from our clients, who all appear to be really delighted about the large size this actual toy hammock supplies, so we are exceptionally grateful for their input, and support given.”


“Happy toys produce a delighted mom,” states Damaris D. Benton from Fredericksburg, who has likewise stated in her Amazon 5 star product review that this hammock was very easy to install, featured the required hardware, and holds a small mountain of stuffed animals that are very visible and accessible, and just wishing she had bought it sooner. In a more comprehensive 5 star review, Sigailix stated… “This is a good sized hammock. Holds a good many stuffed animals. Mesh material is sturdy, it installs well in a corner, and requires drilling holes then inserting wall anchors and hook screws, with 3 in total for anchor points. I would not need to think twice about purchasing this product again, and have actually already suggested it to my family and buddies.”


Farah has said in yet another 5 star score testimonial that it serves its function in addition to being a great design. She adds… “I have actually had my toy hammock hanging up in the boy’s nursery for a week now and it serves its purpose really well. As of now, I have about 10 pounds of furry animals in there and its holding up just fine. My boy’s nursery was very bare and this made it feel more playful.” At about the same time, Rodeha1, another Amazon validated consumer states… “I bought this for my daughter’s bed room to put her soft toys in. It has done the job perfectly, and was easy to set up. It actually took about 15 minutes to install. The materials are sturdy and seem as if they will certainly hold up well for what I am using it for, so I would purchase this item once again.”


The business spokesperson also wanted to clarify the assurance provided for this accessory, solely sold on Amazon. He said… “Due to the nature of this product, it could be put under heavy strain should too much weight be placed in the toy hammock. We would therefore ask customers to be familiar with this fact, however should there ever be an issue of damage of any type, then the lifetime replacement guarantee provided on Amazon would be acknowledged by Freddie and Sebbie.”


For further information about the new deluxe jumbo toy hammock storage organizer, available exclusively via







Freddie and Sebbie™

Paradise Road
Las Vegas, NV United States 89126-950

888 749 3576

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