Paul Lemberg Zero Cost Marketing

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( — March 29, 2015)  — Any business owner knows that in order to be successful, no matter how good his product or service may be, if no one is buying it, if their income is $0. 

There have been hours spent studying the best location to determine greatest placement for the traditional brick and mortar store with hopes of frequent word of mouth advertising. The only drawback is the limitation placed on such an idea because of the finite amount of traffic and demographics of them that even notice the business.
Businesses have to market to get the word out about not only their services and products, but also why their offer is different or somehow better than the competition. Traditional advertising, depending on the medium utilized can be considered a major investment. For many small businesses, such an investment does not always fit into the budget and has an enormous impact on the bottom line. If cost were not an issue, would you invest the time necessary to get the word out about your business with systematic solutions and online support?
Marketing does not have to cost you your salary; in fact, it does not have to cost anything, other than a time investment, an open mind to learn a few key points of strategy and the diligence to follow through. Zero cost marketing has created a platform, which incorporates the traditional networking event into an online equivalent. Cross promotion just like referrals, lead to new potential clients, and more professionals are receptive of what you have to offer causing an increase in the number of hits your website receives.
The process is simple; however, the payoff does not come without effort. The fact is you are reading this for the sake of seeking knowledge with expectations of a high return of time and perhaps money invested. After submitting a quick partner signup form, you gain access to the expertise of numerous contributors not to mention, a plethora of invaluable resources such as:
• The ability to show your business to millions of online buyers
• Access to a private partner’s seminar to learn effective list building
• Free access to business building training classes
• Exclusive discounts on business building tools
It can be argued, it sounds too good to be true, especially since we are talking about influential marketing with zero cost. However, with all the uncertainty facing business owners today, to find a no risk offer is a welcomed relief.CEO Space Intertnational